View Full Version : anxiety and having babies!

01-08-06, 14:38
hi just wondered if anyones anxiety or panic has put them off having children. I have two already (which happened before anxiety took hold) but would underneath me love another but im scared because of how i feel...i can only just cope with the 2 i have got and myself due to my anxiety. I also worry i will get a horrible disease and not be able to look after my kids due to the fact i will die or something..it really bothers me and i dont know whether to try for another next year when i would like to be pregnant or wait until the anxiety goes...which i fear will be never!!
thanks for reading

01-08-06, 15:34
Hi there, I totally understand how you feel. I don't have children and even though I am great with them, I am putting it off because I am scared that I won't be a good mom and won't be able to take care of them properly. Most people with anxiety are perfectionist and tend to put to much pressure on themselves. Remember that you are human after all and you should have another one if you really want one and don't let anxiety take a hold of your life: you lived without it once and I am sure this can happen again. Fear of what could be is always worst than the fear itself.

Good luck

02-08-06, 17:58

I understand what you are feeling too.

I have two small children aged 4 and 3 years and would love to have another one next year. My anxiety feelings put me off though and I can completely relate to the health anxiety issue - about dying of some horrible disease and not being able to look after my children!

I also worry about something going wrong during the pregnancy although in reality, my pregnancies have been fine and I felt preet stable mood wise throughout them.

I guess it is just another example of how we have to overcome these feelings in order to get on and have a normal life.

PM me if you fancy talking more about this.

Take care

Jo Fitzgerald