View Full Version : hypertension and anxiety

17-09-12, 13:26
Been to the doctors today and he checked my blood pressure and said when i stand it drops a little but its nothing serious. Saying that to me ant any reasurance so i came home and googled it and found hypertension and after reading it im worried i have a bad heart. im only 30 does any once experiance that problem the symptoms match up i get dizziness, fatige, and confusion every now and then but only get dizzy when iv been walking for a bit about ten min or running up stairs or in the supermarket. im so worried its unreal but if i was in any danger he wouldnt just ask to see me in two weeks again would he or could my anxiety be causing it all

17-09-12, 14:27
Sorry a bit confused with your post :blush:

Do you have hypertension (high blood pressure) or hypotension (low blood pressure)? The reason I ask is that you say it drops upon standing which I assume is the latter?

Did he give you an figures ie 120/80?

If the GP was concerned that you had hypertension he would have discussed further your diet/lifestyle and perhaps even medication the fact he said nothing usually indicates that your original BP is in the normal range but dropping slightly upon standing.

17-09-12, 14:47
yer thats what it was it drops slightly when i stand up he wants to see me in two weeks but me being me has to go on to google and web md and it comes up with all sorts. he did something iv not seen before and put his stethascope on my neck and asked me to hold my breath and listened to my heart and said its ok. Thing is i cant help think of the worse thing it could be

17-09-12, 15:40
The reason he wants to see you in 2 weeks is probably to take your BP again. To diagnose hyper or hypo tension you need to take a number of readings over a period of time. By the sounds of what you have said your BP is fine and not to worry (I know easier said than done).

What symptoms are making you doubt otherwise?

17-09-12, 16:56
just cos i feel horrible all the time the syptoms that scare me are the sleepness, dizziness although its a strange dizzy feeling kind of like your head is floating and some times my eyes go strange. I will admit my diet is not the best and i dont drink much water at all but i guess im sick of feeling this way 8 weeks its been now and all atarted with a broken tooth playing up since then its been a horrible time. I got put on 6 causes of antibiotics in 7 weeks and now been left with reflux and stomach problems also started noticing above my eyes and nose ache and i get stuffed up with a little ear ache so doctor gave me a steroide spray for my sinus i think my bp was 88 not sure what over though

18-09-12, 20:15
The dizziness I can definitely relate too. Mine is like I am standing still but my brain is turning and moving within my skull. As I do suffer from drops in BP sometimes I have lightheadness mainly due to that(which is a different feeling) but I really do think the former is anxiety.

However that said I have never been good at drinking water so dehydration probably plays a big part also.

I know antibiotics can play havoc with the good bacteria in your stomach maybe you could start taking some probiotics or prebiotics not 100% sure the difference to be honest but a chemist will be able to help you.