View Full Version : Went to bed feeling great-wake up awful.

17-09-12, 15:13
Why is it that I had a lovely relaxed evening. I watched some dvds-pure relaxed. Fell asleep fine. Had a really good night sleep and woke up pure foggy and depersonalised! I just don't get it. I'm eating well,sleeping well,taking my meds etc but feel set back and disappointed. I thought I was on the mend. I don't feel anxious as such but just really disorientated and just went back to sleep because I felt so heavy and achey. Any stories of similar nature? I'm on day 15 of Cit 10 mg x

17-09-12, 15:55
Hey, sorry to hear you felt this way. I've had days like that too, when i've woken and am just out of sorts and so tired. I remember when i first started taking citalopram it was worse in the mornings (some days i don't think i got out of bed!) so it could just be your body getting used to this? Maybe take it easy today, watch some more films, do something nice for you (a long bath etc)

Don't feel set back though, just try to take each day as it comes (i know this is easier said than done!), so today wasn't as good as yesterday but tomorrow could be even better. If you want to chat some more then feel free to PM me.


17-09-12, 16:01
Thank you for your reply. I have spent my day doing exactly that and do feel alot better this afternoon. Going to have a nice bubble bath to make myself feel better. I am overall feeling alot better. So shouldn't really complain.

17-09-12, 16:16
Your subconscious mind works at a different speed from your conscious mind. On the surface you may have felt great but it takes time for things to "sink in". You may also have a bad dream you can't quite remember on the back of your mind.
Don't let it get the better of you, pretend you feel absolutely fine and let your subconscious catch up.

17-09-12, 16:24
It's facts like this that make me understand things better and feel better. Thank you for this. Feeling abit numb this afternoon but not much I can do really.