View Full Version : thin stool

17-09-12, 15:26
I haven't done much reading about this topic so thought I would throw it out here to see if anyone knows much about it. Last night I went to the bathroom and my stool seemed "thinner" than usual. Not crazy thin, not "pencil" thin, but maybe 1/2 to 3/4 of the size that it normally is. Of course I am worried about it because my Dad died of colon cancer. I am 27 years old. I had a colonoscopy last September where they removed one small benign polyp (though it was the type that can turn to cancer after many years).

I am just scared now after seeing this and afraid to go to the bathroom again. Anyone know much about this?

17-09-12, 16:26
As long as it happens just once in a while and isn't like a consistent thing with pain, I wouldn't worry about it. It happens to me once in a while. If you had a colonoscopy last year, you should be fine.