View Full Version : Thick stringy mucus and tight throat

17-09-12, 15:35
Hi guys,

It's been a while since I posted and I have posted before about this issue but it is persistent and worse if anything so looking for a bit of advice and help.

I have been suffering with think mucus! It feels like it is hanging in the back of my throat all the time! I have bad breath and at nights and early mornings my mouth and nose are so dry! I cough phlegm up every 20 minutes and I am constantly clearing my throat(it's so embarrassing) ......

So far the do s have given me antihistamines in nasal spray form Nd I have had sinus scans and barium swallow! Ent and gastroentologist have both signed me off saying I have no issues and that the supposed long term acid reflux is not even there!

Today I have spent £25 on probiotics and digestive enzymes in a hope I may get some relief! I am booked to go docs on weds morning but I know I will hit a brick wall as they say there is nothing that can be done! I am even tempted to go private and demand a full check up as I get a bonus end of month and I can get answers once and for all?

I hate living with this as it has a massive effect on my relationship,work and social life! The docs say there is nothing wrong yet I feel I am choking all the time and I don't see other people walking round clearing their throats every 20 mins!

What should I do? Have I really just got to live with it? :weep:

Any advice or any fellow sufferers got a cure please get in touch!

