View Full Version : Uncontrollable Crying?

17-09-12, 15:44
Does anyone else suffer with this? :(

I was diagnosed with severe depression and anxiety after having a breakdown in May and this is just terrible. I just seem to cry all the time. I can't seem to stop for hours once I start and end up giving myself a headache.. This is just a nightmare. Every waking minute is just so difficult and I feel suicidal. I don't know where to begin with it all.
I'm taking 20 mg Prozac a day and have been for about five or six weeks now, so why do I still feel so hopeless? I also seem to be in a permenant state of derealisation - nothing looks right anymore; just a feeling of complete disbelief. It's never-ending :(

17-09-12, 16:36
I have had times like that when I just cry all the time, it really is a most awful feeling. I don't take prozac so don't really know how long it takes to take effect. Maybe if you are still feeling really low you should go back to see your GP? I hope you start to feel better soon :hugs::hugs:

18-09-12, 16:03
Thank you for your reply Annie :) Yes, it's terrible - I tend to just feel utter despair. I will ask my GP about perhaps increasing my dose. I just worry about the side effects of doing so, as my panic attacks got worse when I started on the Prozac. Wish there was a simple answer for all of this!

shocker 17
18-09-12, 16:22
hi cherrycola i have this everyday try and keep strong

18-09-12, 22:11
somtimes i cry but then i force myself to stop in case somone can see i have red eyes or asks me why have u been crying. hope u feeling better soon :hugs:

19-09-12, 16:13
It's horrible isn't it? :( Trouble is once I start I can't seem to stop and it can go on for hours :( And then anything and everything seems to set me off again. Even had to run back to the car a few times when I've been out cause I just couldn't hold it in any longer :blush:

19-09-12, 16:32
I think prozac takes about 6 to 8 weeks to kick in so you should start to feel abit better soon. I would advice going back to your gp if your feeling so down. Hope you feel better soon :)

20-09-12, 16:57
Thank you kt79 :) I'd really hoped it would have by now. I have been on Prozac before though and 20 mg, was not enough; I was put on 60.. So perhaps it's time to think about increasing the dose. Really not coping very well :blush:

20-09-12, 17:26
Hi CherryCola,

I was put on 20mg of Prozac as well when my panic disorder started. It took a few weeks to kick in and make me feel alot better, so if you still don't feel any change soon it might be a good idea to see if you can get the dose increased or possibly try a different medication. It helps with my anxiety, but it's only now that i'm up to 80mg a day that's it's had an effect on my depression, so like I said a slow increase in dosage or a change in medication will hopefully make you feel better. Wishing you all the best. :hugs:

20-09-12, 20:18
Hi Cherry,
I remember those feelings. Sobbing so hard until it actually hurts. My A/D took about 6 weeks to start any improvement, but you should maybe discuss increase to 40mg with doc?

Sending you hugs. Keep posting! So many people here for you x

20-09-12, 20:49
Big hugs.. I get this when im feeling really depressed and its completely normal given your circumstances. Try to keep yourself busy so you have little chance to dwell on things. Easier said than done i know xx

20-09-12, 22:33
Hey cherry,:bighug1:so sorry to hear of your situation. im in the same boat and its hard i know...my thoughts are with you tonight...ive taken prozac before 60mg and it didnt do a thing for me except (sorry:blush:) sexual dysfunction!...but now i take mirtazapine 15mg...and they seem to be working to an extent..:)but its early days...keep your chin up and give them a little while longer to have an effect... take care Damon...:shades::flowers:

21-09-12, 07:40
Chrissy88 - Thank you :hugs: Did you find you suffered with side effects as you increased the dose? It's just about two weeks into taking the Prozac I suffered some really horrible panic attacks. I feel like I do need to increase the dose, I'm just really scared to do so because I can't cope with feeling worse right now.

starlight78 - Yes, I think I'll have to go back to my GP - pretty sure 20mg is not doing a whole lot.. :( Thank you for your lovely reply :) x

saro - Thank you! *Hugs* You've helped me a great deal :) I'm wondering if perhaps my OCD isn't helping as I seem to have trouble with unwanted thoughts a lot at the moment. The more I don't want to think about it, the worse it gets and it ends up being all I can think about! But you're very right, when I'm busy I do feel a lot better!

limelad - Thank you for your reply :) Yes, I'm not sure Prozac is doing a whole lot (I think sexual dysfunction is one of the most common side effects - I also feel a bit of a loss in libido to be honest) but I think I'll try sticking with it for now.. If not, I will have a look into Mirtazapine and see if there's something better suited. Wish there was a quick fix for it all! x

21-09-12, 15:21
Hey CherryCola,

The one main side effect of my increased dosage was almost the total loss of libido, which like someone said earlier is a really common side effect of the drug. The increased dosage has never caused my anxiety to flare up at all. The only other side effect I get sometimes is bad heartburn shortly after I take my dose in the morning. The increase of your dosage shouldn't cause you to get more panic attacks.

22-09-12, 17:13
Thanks Chrissy :)

I will discuss with my GP.. And yes, I do get a bit of heartburn with it - I have acid reflux and it seems to cause it to flare up a little bit! x

22-09-12, 18:28
I know just how you feel. I'm surprised my tear ducts haven't dried up already from all the crying I've done! I'm also the same as you in that I've been on some new medication for almost a month now and wish it would start kicking in and lift my mood. Even today I spent about two hours crying before thinking, sod it and then went out for a walk in the park, which made me feel a bit better. I'm afraid I can't really help or offer any good advice, but just know that I understand what you're going through and that I'm as fed up of it as you are. I just hope things get better for you soon. :hugs:

23-09-12, 16:52
miraiiro - It is horrible isn't it? I seem to cry so much that I wake up the next day with sore chest and back muscles :blush: It's like being in a nightmare all the time.. I hope your medication starts to do something for you soon and that we'll both soon be on the road to recovery and beating this! :hugs: