View Full Version : Don't know what to do.

17-09-12, 15:58
Hi, my name is Ashley. I am 19, almost 20. I had finally reached rock bottom about a mo.th ago and decided to finally go get help for my depression. I was prescribed citalipram/celexa. My dr told me to take 10mg for 14 days as I did I felt misserable...nausea, throwing up, sweating, feeling hot, dirrhea, severe tiredness and dizziness, bad anxiety and nervousness. I started 20mg I have taken it 3 times and, I take it at 9:30pm because the other times weren't working. I have been waking up not feeling like myself. almost blacking out, feeling not all the way here. This mor.ing I all of a sudden were having bad thoughts...i am misserable and, don't know what to do. I feel lile nothing helps I am always tired...even when I do things...pease help...i just need a friend who has this same issue that I can call when needed :(

17-09-12, 16:09
Hi Ashleybyrd37

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

17-09-12, 16:12
Hi Ashley, sorry to hear you are having an awful time recently. Perhaps it's worth chatting to your doctor about how you have been feeling. It could be these are side effects to the tablets you are taking and he may be able to give you something to help you over this horrid bit, or change you to something else?

Anyway, i hope today gets easier for you, maybe try to have a chilled out day, watch some films, lounge around, that kind of thing?


17-09-12, 16:15
I have tried the relaxing thing...I am already really tired and it makes me want to sleep more...but, thank you for your advise and time.

17-09-12, 16:58
Hi Ash :) I'm Lucy! I am also on day 15 of 10mg Cit. It's been a nightmare and I'm still experiencing side effects. I am happy to chat whenever you want!!

17-09-12, 19:48
Hi Ashley
I was on 20mg a day of Cit and had exactly the same happen to me. If you need to chat, drop me a message. Hoping you will be ok. Take care

17-09-12, 21:24
Hi Ashley,i was on 20mg a day,but found it was not helping,so now have gone upto 30mg,i wake up every morning feeling anxious and feel i can,t go on,this has been going on for about six weeks now,but we need to beleave we will get better,and learn to replace those horriable thoughts with positive ones.
If you need a chat mes me back anytime,Takecare.sharon.