View Full Version : Valium...

17-09-12, 17:32
Hi everyone, I'm suffering bad anxiety for a flight which I'm going on Friday for some reason my anxiety is worse than it was when I was on an 11 hour flight in March, and this one is only 1.30mins!!! Arghh! I have valium which the doctor has prescribed me a few months ago for the 11 hour flight but I didn't take them. I'm tempted to take one now but I'm just wondering how it makes you feel? I have a thing about not being in control, does it make you feel drunk or lightheaded or dizzy or anything unpleasant?
I took some YEARS ago before a flight but don't remember feeling any better tbh!
Thanks! :)

17-09-12, 17:47
What size are they? I have taken them before a flight, I was prescribed 2mg and it calmed me down enough for the flight but in times when I have been more anxious I have taken 2x2mg. They calmed me down but I still felt in control.

17-09-12, 19:36
I take 1-2mg if i am in a really stressful situation/having a major panic attack. They normally just make me feel calmer and ease my symptoms of panic. i still feel in control, perhaps just a little slower/sleepier. Perhaps try one before Friday so you know what to expect?

Good luck whatever you decide to do :hugs:

17-09-12, 19:44
Thanks guys! they're 2mg but the doctor said I can take 2 if I feel like I need it. I just don't want to be on the plane feeling all woozy and out of it, you know? Arghh! I hate this, I woke up this morning with palpitations and sweating because of it. And it's a holiday, I should be looking forward to it but all I can think of is how scared I am incase I panic on the plane.

17-09-12, 19:46
I take 2 mg as needed and they don't make me feel drugged or anything. Sometimes sleepy, but that's it really.

eternally optimistic
17-09-12, 22:05
Evening Marymac

I was prescribed 15 number, 5mg to take for a 2 hour flight (i think the doc gave me so many for the whole holiday )

This flight, holiday, was something I had to do having not made the last attempt 6 years ago.

I took some tabs, 2 I think, the day before and one on the day, I flew early.
Coming back, I took 1 and a half tabs to get home.

I most definitely didnt not feel the slightest bit woozy, that was a worry of mine, not being in control, but to the contrary I was fine, relaxed, confident and happy to fly.

Best wishes for the trip.

Hope this helps.

17-09-12, 22:21
Thanks so much for the replies everyone! :) Jayann, that's what I'm looking for, just to get rid of the fear of taking a panic attack without being completely out of it. I've just taken 2 about 5 minutes ago to see how they make me feel so I'll let you all know in the morning! I feel slightly better already but maybe its psychological! xx