View Full Version : Today I became a Registered Midwife!!

17-09-12, 17:57
Hi everyone

I just wanted to share very good news - today, I officially passed all my Uni exams and placements and became a Real-Life Midwife!!! :yahoo:

I owe a huge thanks to Robin Hall, CBT4panic author (see signature). Without him I'm not so sure that I could have done it!!

I've got through stressful periods including revising for exams/writing multiple essays at once, including a 10,000 word dissertation :ohmy: not to mention witnessing and playing a part in emergency medical scenarios!!

Through recovery, I have had several million thoughts such as "you aren't cut out for this!" "stay in bed, if u go to work you'll ddiiiee!" etc etc. But I am pleased to say I now have much more confidence in being rational and simply having the courage to feel the fear and do it anyway. CBT (Especially CBT4panic) has definitely been the way forwards for me.

Wishing everyone success on their journeys!!


17-09-12, 18:02
wow that is good news and very inspirational! huge congratulations!!:flowers:

17-09-12, 18:37
That's brilliant news, well done. I love to read stories like this as it makes me realise there is hope.

I am definitely going to give CBT4PANIC a go

17-09-12, 19:32
Congratulations! :yahoo:

It gives me hope, i've just started the CBT4PANIC programme so good to know it really can work :)

17-09-12, 20:10
Thanks Vicky, Bernie and paranoid tree!

yes there is definitely hope. I have noticed that this forum is excellent for support but sometimes, people that are fully recovered don't really post a lot, so it can be hard to really believe there is light at the end of the tunnel! If that makes any sense?

My anxiety began in Oct 2010 when I was at work, I had wind but couldn't relieve it by burping (TMI) my heart sped up as I wondered "wht if its the early signs of a heart attack?" then my breathing sped up, and I excused myself from work rushing home convinced I would die!!

I then developed an obession with my heart/breathing, so you could say I basically had health anxiety. But I began to relate it to work; particularly labour ward where I had my first panic attack, plus the fact there are numerous distressed women there which doesnt always make it easy to 'chill' !

I was convinced I was always about to have a heart attack/ pass out blah blah, but I never have!

I very nearly quit in my 2nd year after taking several days off and convincing myself I just wasnt cut out for the job. But then, I found NMP and cbt4panic and thus began my road to recovery :D

I'm very glad I stuck at it. Recovery is not 'instant', it can be quite slow with setbacks, but as long as you get back in the saddle you are winning!!

My top tip would be; don't be 'angry' at panic/anxiety, or talk as if your fighting a 'battle' with it. Remember, anxiety/panic is your body trying to HELP you, it's a mistake that you're currently making in the way you think/react to bodily sensations.

Acceptance and gratitude are the key ingredients!!

17-09-12, 20:53
Thank you so much for posting that, i constantly talk about my battle and fighting anxiety but you are right it's about accepting it. i'm slowly learning that lesson.

Thank you! :yesyes:

Vanilla Sky
17-09-12, 21:24
Congratulations , Happy baby delivering lol xxx

eternally optimistic
17-09-12, 21:58

Potato, absolutely fabulous and what a great career choice.

I love watching all the maternity programmes.


Keep posting and long may the success stories roll on and on and on.

17-09-12, 21:58
Well done - that's amazing! You should be really proud of yourself.


17-09-12, 22:05

Can I point out to everyone that Potato11 put a LOT of work into practicing the techniques in the programme. It's important to remember that it can take time and very often its 2 steps forwards 1 step backwards but if you keep at it you CAN become free of panic attacks and get your life back on track.

Well done again - it must be a very satisfying job :-)

18-09-12, 19:47
Well done Potato, you deserve a huge pat on the back.. and what a fab career choice! xx

19-09-12, 12:24
Well done Potato, thanks for sharing your great news. Very inspirational :D.

19-09-12, 12:40
thankyou everybody for the lovely comments! :D < I really am grinning at the minute!