View Full Version : Anxiety related to time of day?

17-09-12, 18:32
I always feel bad at the same time everyday!

When it gets around 3-4PM i start getting all these symptoms (knot in stomach, cold chills, lightheaded, nervous feeling, spaced out, feeling like im not really here, nausea, yawning, upset stomach etc.) Just don't feel quite right. And then when im in bed at night on my laptop around 11pm i feel fine again, and in the morning im always fine too.

Its been like this every single day for the past months.

Can someone help or reassure me on this?

I'm sorry to post about this again but its just so weird.

17-09-12, 18:39
I get funny around 5-8pm everyday. That time of day unerves me. Never did before. Always wide awake and at my best at 11ish and morning! Same as you! It has to be subconscious. Maybe one day we had attacks and/or high anxiety around that time and associate it with danger. What do you think?

17-09-12, 21:03
Yes, I thought I was the only one. Been like this for months but won't get any better. Ay advice from anyone to fight this?

18-09-12, 08:03
I tend to try distraction. Although we know how hard that is during this time.

18-09-12, 11:35
I've try sooooooooooooooo hard to keep busy, sometimes I am just so overcome with fatigue it is a nightmare :wacko:

18-09-12, 16:11
Distraction for me aswell, keep doing things etc. Any more people feel much worse at a certain time of the day?

hamster lady
18-09-12, 16:34
Hi Pacific

My anxiety is definitely worse at night which is really hard because there isn't much to distract yourself with at night and my hubby doesn't like being woken up by me! I have night time panic attacks which wake me up from my sleep and I start to get anxious in the evening as it gets towards bed time. In the night I get all the bad anxiety symptoms that you get during the day, nausea, stomach churning, feelings of unreality, it is really hard to cope with isn't it!

I also get bad anxiety during the day sometimes and I usually try and distract myself by doing something to completely take my mind off it like playing the piano or grooming and spending some quality time with my dog.

I hope you feel better soon, bad anxiety feelings always pass eventually but it is so horrible when you are going through it. hamster lady:bighug1:

18-09-12, 19:12
Morning is worse for me. I feel awful every morning no matter how much sleep I get. Palpitations, feeling sick, nervous, shaking. Its awful. I feel better as the day goes on.
I know its not a nice thing to have to deal with.

19-09-12, 08:21
Hi all,

Yes, I feel worst in the mornings too, and relatively OK by evening. I agree that distraction is the best approach, just doing something undemanding or even just flicking through a magazine. I find embroidery very relaxing. It seems to have the right balance between not having to think and taking your mind off panicky thoughts - and with luck you end up with something nice for the home!

19-09-12, 08:24
Its morning for me too - unfortunately too if I let it take hold it can ruin the whole day for me. At the moment I am sat here waiting for the side effects of Cit to hit - am back on it for the 3rd time. I know I should try and distract myself but really dont feel well enough to do so - bloody vicious circle!!

19-09-12, 08:26
I'm back on cipralex too and have just increased the dose so am going through the side effects again. It's a pain to have to go through this every time, but worth it in the long run.