View Full Version : Help there's an elephant sitting on my chest!

17-09-12, 19:23
For a wk I've felt like this, and short of breath, heart palps etc. I fee like my heart is basically just going to stop!! I feel like a cant get a breath..

Please help I'm scared. How can I make this stop.


17-09-12, 19:36
You should really see the doc to be honest if it is that bad.

17-09-12, 19:41
You should really see the doc to be honest if it is that bad.

Agree there.

Also try some deep breathing if you can do it, try to relieve some of the tension in your body, it may help.

18-09-12, 10:41
Nobody else? Really scared now. Thought this would tie into being so anxious & stressed!

18-09-12, 10:43
It does tie in but you can't just put it down to anxiety & stress until a medical professional has made sure it's nothing serious