View Full Version : Halo's Around lights

17-09-12, 21:28
This seems a really stupid question but for some reason this is driving me crazy!! Does everyone see halo's around lights? For example street lights? Like the big orange ones, do they have an irate glow/orb around them. I don't know if I have always seem them this way or not but it's making me panic a ridiculous amount! I feel so silly asking but I can't stop looking at lights and stuff now to see what they look like! Also, do some car headlights sometimes look like sparklers? My vision is ok apart from this (I am long sighted but that hasn't changed!) I thought it was worth asking the question rather thAn keep going on and on to my husband about how he sees lights! :wacko:

Thank you for anyone that has taken the time to read this and I apologise once again for how silly it is!

fozzy is crying
17-09-12, 21:49
I had something very similar to that about 12 years ago when I was 52 and it turned out to be Nuclear Sclerosis and I had cataract type surgery to fit artificial lenses in both eyes to cure it.

However it is something that is quite rare and even rarer if you are not at least in your mid sixties or over. I suggest you see your G.P. and get him to refer you to the nearest eye clinic and have it checked out. If it is Nuclear Sclerosis it is also very difficult to diagnose and in my case it took many visits over a period of best part of a year check the degradation before my consultant was happy to go ahead and operate to fix it. Unlike cataracts you cannot see any change in the physical look of the eye and also unlike them it comes and goes depending on the time of day and how tired the eyes are. If you are under 50 it is so unlikely you have this the odds are better for you to win the lottery without buying a ticket.

Still you should get it checked asap.

17-09-12, 21:53
Doesn't sound silly at all! this was actually happening to me tonight just as I came in, just in street lights though, none inside

17-09-12, 23:17
Thank you for your replies, I am 31 so I would not have thought I was at risk from any type of cataract but if it persists or gets worse I will see my optician and Dr. I suppose I was just after a bit of reassurance that everyone sees these things, I suspect I have always seen these things but have never noticed before! Why would you!

17-09-12, 23:26

Sounds perfectly normal to me. I knew exactly what you meant as soon as you said streetlights. Unless it gets worse or changes, I would just accept it. I bet it's always been like that but that you've just started noticing it.
