View Full Version : Yellow spot on throat

17-09-12, 21:55
I'll try and explain where it it.
It's behind the tonsil area but further down.
So if I look at the back right side of my tongue, and look at the wall of my throat on the right hand side and yawn I can see a yellow spot.
It's a bit lower than the back of my tongue is so that's why I have to stretch/yawn in order to to be able to see it.

It's looks like a big yellow pimple and I've only ever had them on my tonsils so I am a bit worried since it's so far down :(
On occasion it seems to disappear too, I couldn't see it at all yesterday so I thought maybe it finally went but it came back today.

It's way too far back to reach and I've been using salt water and eating bread in hopes of making it go away.

eternally optimistic
17-09-12, 21:59

It might be a tonsil stone, sounds like but check it out with your doctor.

15-01-13, 04:18
It did go away, I can't see it any more so I think it was a tonsil stone,

15-01-13, 16:08
Every now and then if I cough or sneeze a tonsil stone will come out of my throat, they are just a collection of rubbish.