View Full Version : Am I suffering from Panic Attacks?? I don't know

17-09-12, 22:27
I've had these sort of attacks a few times within a year or so. Mines always seem to happen when I'm sitting in the same room.. It's usually at university.
What normally happens is I would be fine but my brain would just start to ask funny questions to my self? Things such as where am I? When I know I am at university anyway.. Things such as thinking of the way home, when I know the way home..
It's such a scary feeling like you are going crazy and you just want to like run/ get out of the lecture room..I try to close my eyes but everything seems to just go funny. I get a feeling like I am starting to forget things when you know you ain't.. I start to feel weak at the knees and everything seems to sound funny.

When I get out of the room, straight away I just start to feel so much better. I start to feel a bit weak but that's it.. It's a very scary feeling and I don't know what it is?

Am I getting panic attacks?
Any help appreciated!

17-09-12, 22:41
It sounds more like anxiety than an actual panic attack. If you look on the left of this page you will see a list and it will explain anxiety and panic attacks.

17-09-12, 22:50
What's the big difference between an anxiety and panic attack?
Should I see my doctor regarding this. I forgot to mention this in the first post. This only last for maximum 5 minutes..

17-09-12, 22:52
yeah i have this too its like small panic i think

17-09-12, 22:57
If you read the links on the side of the page about anxiety and panic attacks it will explain it more fully to you then you will know better what you are experiencing. If it is really troubling you and you think it is affecting your life a lot then you could see your doctor about it.

18-09-12, 10:17
Thanks for your replies.
It doesn't really affect me a lot, it's usually once in a few months..
It's just a really scary feeling.

18-09-12, 10:25
It is scary but just remember that it can't harm you and it will pass :hugs: