View Full Version : Scared about the smell of some new painted furniture

Nighttime pacer
18-09-12, 02:03
Hi all I bought some new painted pine furniture. It's been delivered but has a pretty strong paint smell to it. Not sure if it's the undercoat they used or the stain on the top pine bits. I've kept all the windows open and I feel ok but worried that the smell could be doing me serious harm. I got rid of my last lot of bedroom furniture because I was worried about MDF.
I'm starting to think I'll never be free of worry.
I'm assuming if the paint they use was really dangerous they wouldn't be able to buy it or am I trying to look on the bright side when there isn't one?
Sorry for rambling.
Nighttime Pacer

18-09-12, 08:34
Hi, most wood finishes give off an odour of varying degrees for some time after the finish has been applied, especially if it is an oil based paint or varnish. It's nothing to worry about and the smell will subside.

You're right, you can't purchase or use any products which could harm you with the smell xx

Nighttime pacer
18-09-12, 20:49
I Guess I'm over reacting. I keep reading things online about how bad the chemicals in paint are. I'm assuming that with all chemicals in furniture and paint are only a problem when things are new and if there is no ventilation. I hope that with plenty of fresh air coming into the room things aren't too bad.
I just wish I could stop worrying. I'd like my life back!
This forum helps a lot.

Nighttime pacer
21-11-12, 02:19
I abandoned some furniture I bought and have had some new bedroom furniture made from pine and painted using ecospaints as all their stuff is totally non toxic and voc free. I've very happy but there is a slight smell but I think that's from the pine wood as it's new. I'm hoping it'll go but anyway I guess I have to realise that not all smells are bad.
I've decided to start CBT or mindfulness therapy as I can't spend the rest of my life worried about everything it's unbearable.

22-11-12, 16:11
u need to stop lookg up things on the net , its the worse thing you can do ,,, cbt will help , stick with it have u dried and medicines cit or flerox

Nighttime pacer
23-11-12, 23:40
I bought some new bedroom furniture after getting rid of some other new bedroom furniture which stank of solvents and paint.
I've had the furniture made from solid pine and painted with voc free paint. The trouble is there's still an odour to it. I think the paint may have been contaminated by the fumes from the paint the furniture builder usually uses.
He gave me what's left of the paint and it has a slight smell which it shouldn't.
I'm panicking about the slight paint smell and the wood smell.
I'm sleeping in my spare bedroom at the moment as I'm too scared to use my main one because of the smell.
I hope it fades really quick and I'm going to phone the guy who made it and ask for an explanation about the paint smelling as it shouldn't.
I know I'm overreacting but can't help it.
I slept on the sofa in the lounge last night to get as far from the furniture as possible.
My health anxiety's ruining my life!
Thanks for reading
Nighttime Pacer

24-11-12, 00:11
the room the new furniture is in why not open the windows and let it breathe overnight perhaps the odour will go , usuall paint a day or two sorts the problem

24-11-12, 00:19

We had a similar post already - I will merge them

25-11-12, 00:17
Im totally with you on this..i once went to the hospital because i was using a chemical to take the enamal off my bath without a mask thing... to be able to re enamal it..had a complete panic attack where i thought i couldnt breathe..[this was after i d read the blurb on the back of the bottle]...the dr i spoke to said she d used this stuff i used, and she hadnt used a mask and had been fine.she said why did you come here tonight..made me feel like such an idiot lol..the smell of gloss makes me feel like that,the odour shouldnt linger for too much longer.
hugs too you xx

Nighttime pacer
25-11-12, 02:03
Thanks everyone
I've got a plan, I'm going to buy some activated charcoal tomorrow from a tropical fish shop. Apparently that absorbs odours really well.
Once I've had the windows open about an hour my spare bedroom is totally fine.
There's still an odour in the main one though.
Even if I have to sleep in the spare bedroom for a month or two I don't mind, it's warmer than the main one and also quieter.
I'm quite pleased with myself. I've got a plan and I'm looking forward to lots of undisturbed and untroubled sleep.
Once again thanks everyone.
Nighttime Pacer

25-11-12, 02:17
The real solution to this is is to get some therapy to be honest about the obsessions