View Full Version : Cognitive behaviour therapy-Advice.

18-09-12, 08:53
So I have just spoken to a consultant who adv that he has an opening this afternoon. I would like to know any experiences or ways in which this has helped? Can anyone share there experiences. Shall I go? The only propblem being. The thought is making me anxious and more DP.

18-09-12, 09:09
I have had CBT before and it helped me at the time. I think the only reason my anxiety has come back now is because of the accident I had. I would go and think of it as a positive step in the right direction. :hugs:

18-09-12, 09:15
Thank you. I really am going to be brave and go. Ironic as it sounds..The thought of being somewhere and not being able to leave if I feel a panic attack coming on is what is worrying me. Even though that is why I am going lol.

18-09-12, 09:21
I know what you mean but at least the people there understand how you will be feeling. On one of my sessions I went in and curled up in the chair and cried for the first part of the session, I was so scared but the counsellor was so lovely with me :)

18-09-12, 09:24
I'm sure a lot of people feel like that and that they are used to it and probably expect it to some extent so will be well prepared to help you through it.

Good luck with it. Hope it helps x

18-09-12, 10:56
That's true and the man seems lovely. It doesn't help that I am worrying about this boil I have. It seems so large now and honestly makes me feel queasy and IU keep seeing images on google for carbuncle thinking it's going to be me.

18-09-12, 11:08
DON'T GOOGLE! Try the magnesium sulphate. Yes they are used to people like us and they always have plenty of boxes of tissues and glasses of water :)

18-09-12, 11:46
Lol. People like us! Love that! I'm actually really looking forward to it. Feeling positive already Annie!! xx

18-09-12, 11:50
:yesyes: xx