View Full Version : Leaving boyfriend

18-09-12, 09:44
Hi everyone. I thought that I would post here as I feel so alone right now and my head is such a mess. Basically I`ve been with my partner for 5 years and we live together and I`m thinking that I want to leave. However, I feel really scared when I think about what life is going to be like after we split up. Also, I have to find somewhere to live, sort out benefits e.t.c. It sounds really stupid but I`ll also have to leave my dogs behind which will be so hard. I keep thinking what if this is as good as my life is going to be and I should just stay. I know deep down that I want to leave but I`m just scared of starting over again. I really dont know what to do right now.

18-09-12, 15:59
I'm going through the exact situation.I split with my girlfriend 3 weeks ago and have to find a new place while She's at her Mum's, then sort esa benefits and stuff.I'm not enjoying it one bit.

Unless you are no longer in love with your boyfriend or any other serious issue, I'd give it a good think about how hard it can be on your own again with anxiety.Make sure you've got someone around who can support you a bit.

18-09-12, 18:35
Well I`ve got my Mum and the rest of my family to support me, they seem to understand my anxiety so I`m sure they`ll be there for me when I need them. Yeah it`s all the practical stuff like finding a new place that`s going to be a nightmare I think. I just wish I could make my mind up about whether or not I want to leave which I know has to be my decision.

18-09-12, 18:52
i think that if you dont want to be with someone and it is causing aniexty that you should leave it is better to be on your own then with someone you dont care about i have been there did it and got the tshirt you can and will cope you are strong dont let anyone tell you anything different

18-09-12, 22:06
well it happened to me and it dosnt always make u happier i broke up with my bf and now i feeling depressed and worse of than i did when i was with him. just make sure its what u really want before ending it