View Full Version : Keep getting these horrible moments

18-09-12, 15:57
Hi guys. Im kinda used to the whole panic attack horrible thing we all deal with. Been suffering now for 10 years. Have good days and bad days.
Around 2 months ago I had this horrible moment in the car on the way to the shops. Was extreme panic just came over me, I didnt want to be there, I didnt want to be out, just wanted to be at home and felt very uncomfortable, heart was racing. I didnt calm down until I got home.
Since then I have more of these moments when out and about. I would walk up the shop and freak out and have to come home, on a long car journey I would panic.
I have been worrying about this all the time and everytime I have to go out I think Im going to panic. Some days I am fine and can do it, other days are bad. Ive never had this before and really need to get over it. I cant stay in forever.
I know nothing will happen to me whether Im at home or a thousand miles away. Its just my mind gets me so wound up and panicked, its horrible.
I love going out and about, its just the horrible feeling I get as soon as Im away from home :(

18-09-12, 19:42
Hi Emma,
Just to say I'm sure so many people here share your experiences.

I tend to find that I am better when out and about and busy, but I do recognise that desperate fear and wanting to get out of a situation. I mainly get anxiety in the evenings when I have nothing keeping me busy.

Have you tried listening to relaxation music/guided relaxation through earphones?

Sending you hugs x x

19-09-12, 08:31
Thank you for the reply.
I find it hard to distract myself. I'm a single mum and my child is at school all day and at the moment I dont work. So all day I think too much and worry about having to go pick her up. I know thinking about it can make things worse and bring it on I just dont know what to do.
I feel like everytime I get better and get past it, its not long before it comes back and brings me down again. I hate living in fear and worrying that I'm going to panic when I go out. I've never had it this bad before.
I will try the relaxation guides to listen to :)

19-09-12, 09:23
Hi there i developed this with anxiety and it really scared me because i thought i was developing agrophobia and that would be afwful to not be able to go out, i felt that would be no life!
There is no magic cure other than seeing it through, at first i only went outside with someone, didnt make it too obvious but always arranged to go with someone. I didnt actually leave the house except for a funeral between january and april. I mean not at all, not even in the garden and if i went to the corner shop by car with someone all the time i was in there it was a struggle to last, a que would have sent me running.

However i had to sort it out because my fears up to now had been that i was ill as i has been having so many odd head sensations and panic , but this feeling that only came on when i was out of the house couldnt logically be an illness(only a mental one) and i wasnt going to be kept in because of my mind.
I kept going to the local shop and feeling odd or like i wanted to escape but the more you do it the weaker that feeling gets, if you are determined to not let your mind scare you. You will not die, as unpleasant as it feels x
I then went into town with people and was literally on count down as to when i could leave and go home, but gradually this lessened. You have to stay in the place that makes you feel bad to recover otherwise going home will always feel the safer more pleasant option.
Dont go out thinking, oh no what if it comes i will have to come home, go out thinking i am going to feel crap and be scared, but it will go off. Expect it to happen (very hard if you have to go alone)
I have been unwell for 11 months and it started for no real reason with a racing heart, then panic attacks and feeling like i had a brain tumour because of my odd head, and for 4 months i didnt believe anyone who said it was anxiety and between nov and jan i rarely left my bedroom (that bad lol ).

However once i decided anxiety wasnt going to rule my life, because one day i might actually become physically ill and then i would regret these years i would have lost due to my mind, i started to recover. Very, very slowly and not without set back but most anxiety has gone.
11 months on i am shopping, out with my kids, taking pets to vets, and back at work. I am left with fatigue due to basically lying down for 8 months so have become unfit and exhausted, but even that is improving.
I wish you all the luck and remember fear cant kill you, its just an emotion :) xxx

19-09-12, 13:53
Sounds just like me! I have had therapy before for my panic attacks and I remember all that I learned about going out and facing it and dealing with it, all what you just said. I am trying but this time just feels alot harder.
When I have my good days and manage to go out somewhere in the car and I'm busy all day, I am knackered aswell! Worrying and being nervous can take it out of me aswell, if Im feeling it all day.
Now my childs at school, most days I will exercise as that makes me feel better and I try to keep busy.
I am very afraid I'll develop agoraphobia and cannot let that happen! I had a moment today walking to the school, I stopped took a deep breath, told myself I'll be alright, it passed. I still felt very anxious but did not have a full blown attack.
Sounds like your doing great! I want to get to that place again and not be afraid to go out. I will keep pushing myself and telling myself its all in my head.