View Full Version : anxiety chest issues

18-09-12, 16:28
hi i was diagnosed with anxiety and panic attacks around 3 yrs ago and since april last yr i always felt short of breath and my throat felt tight all day i was told im fine but i was convinced there was something wrong but about a month ago i felt a weird sensation in my chest and it scared me so i went to a and e they did all the usual tests blood pressure, ecg/ekg and i was told i was fine it was just anxiety, i went to my normal gp because i wasnt convinced they asked if i did anything that could cause muscle strain and i must admit just before the chest feeling i was trying to start a petrol lawn mower and my dog pulls a lot on his lead so anyway they did blood tests and another ecg and all was well but here i am still having a heavy tight feeling in my chest all day. could it be a muscle strain and my anxiety is making more out of it because i know i worry about my health far to much. if anyone else has had issues like this and found relief from somewhere any help would be great. i was also given diazepam to be taken 1 three times a day i am starting those today will it take a day or 2 to get full effect?
any help would be amazing
thanks in advance

18-09-12, 16:33
I find i get chest issues when i have a panic attack or moment of intense anxiety, it sucks and i know how you feel! Give the meds a few days to kick in and you will start to feel more relaxed, which should help ease your symptoms. I always find just remembering to breath deeply when im having an attack helps to calm me down, best of luck :)