View Full Version : I'm getting worse.

18-09-12, 17:13
Hello, ok so a little about me. I'm 27 and have had anxiety and panic attacks for 11 years. I have been on and off tablets for a long time.
My anxiety seems to be getting worse now, I feel ill all the time, I can't stop worrying about my arms and legs, they feel heavy and weak and I keep thinking they are going to stop working. Like one day if I stay still for too long the will seize up and paralyse. My face is numb, I'm tingly all the time and often feel like I'm going to have a stroke. So my dr put me on propranolol and assured me that in a few days I would feel better and 90% normal. Well that was 6 days ago and I feel worse if anything. I can't take my mind off my body and what is going wrong with it even though I know I'm fine.
Does this sound familiar to anyone? I've had the arm and leg feeling for about a month now and I just can't seem to get over it. I'm frustrated and very down, I just don't know what else to do. Should I go back to the Dr's for a check up in case there iis something wrong with my arms or brain?
Any advice would be very helpful right now.
Thank you
Hannah x x

18-09-12, 17:33
I guess this is familiar to anyone focusing on his/her body and sensations.
Maybe you should have a look at all the threads you posted and realise this time is probably no different ?

18-09-12, 21:28
Hi Hannah

Sorry to hear you haven't been feeling right. It's more than likely that your symptoms are because of anxiety however if you are really concerned perhaps write them all down and discuss with your doctor? I have taken propranolol before and it is good at calming down physical symptoms but doesn't do anything about your thoughts (which can of course trigger feelings in your body!) How much propranolol are you taking?

Hope whatever happens you feel better


18-09-12, 22:00
Fred_h thank you for your reply your so right, I have never thought about that before. I have decided that from now on for every anxiety/panic attack I will write down my sensations and symptoms and then write down after what happen IE nothing I got through it and am fine.

Thank you also Paranoidtree, I am currently on 40mg twice a day. They just don't even stop my physical symptoms. I will go back to the docs and see what he can do. I really just can't get it out of my mind that I'm gong to end up paralysed. Even this evening I was in the shower washing my face, I closed my eyes and then freaked out because I felt like I was going to be unable to open them again. I just felt terror, complete and utter terror as soon as I opened them I calm down and was ok but it freaked me out so much.

Sorry for the moan and thank you again!!
Hannah x x x

18-09-12, 22:42
Good :hugs:
Been a bit harsh but it was important you figure this out by yourself. No matter what anxiety tried to make you feel and think, you're still here ))