View Full Version : Work based anxiety!

18-09-12, 17:25
Hi there, I have been to the forum before as I have suffered bad anxiety on and off over the years. I am clear of anxiety at the moment, apart from at work that is!

I am a woman off 55 and its my first paid job for 18 years! I have been a stay at home mum. Not through choice but circumstances really.

I got this job in a kitchen about 2 months ago and ever since I started I have felt anxious when I have been there. Its a job share thing so I do a week on and a week off. I have done 4 full weeks since 2 months ago. I start my week on again at 7.15am in the morning and work (Apart from Saturday) till next Tuesday. I finish at 1pm. However next week I wont get my week off as I have to do the other girls week as she is on holiday. So I am working 3 weeks in a row with no week off!

I think that part of my problem is that I am far too worried about what other people think of me and am somewhat of a perfectionist too. So I absolutely dread making mistakes. Also, one of the girls, whilst I have met a lot worse, can be difficult to "Weigh up" and I am not sure where I stand with her. One minute she is really nice, the next she is telling me what to do with "Attitude". And I have never been one to know how to cope with such situations.

So I have been suffering with anxiety with all of this and it is building up now, thinking about going back into work tomorrow. I wouldn't mind but I actually like the job. I dont want to give it up or lose it because I am anxious.

But what on earth can I do to stop feeling this way?

Thanks for listening.


18-09-12, 17:37
hang in there im goin away with work tommrow for 3 day,dreadin it hate thinkin aboutit but cant help it,.....keep fighting your doin well...hopefully will get easier with time.im new here but i bet u will get sme good advice :)

18-09-12, 18:57
Thanks Wizbit for your reply. It's not easy is it. I hope you cope ok too. Yes it should get easier shouldn't it though I feel I need someone to say something that will make me think differently about this. Good Luck

Shirl :-)

---------- Post added at 17:56 ---------- Previous post was at 17:54 ----------

Thanks Wizbit for your reply. It's not easy is it. I hope you cope ok too. Yes it should get easier shouldn't it though I feel I need someone to say something that will make me think differently about this. Good Luck

Shirl :-)

---------- Post added at 17:57 ---------- Previous post was at 17:56 ----------

Thanks Wizbit for your reply. It's not easy is it. I hope you cope ok too. Yes it should get easier shouldn't it though I feel I need someone to say something that will make me think differently about this. Good Luck

Shirl :-)

21-09-12, 06:00
Just getting up at 5.45am and can feel the anxiety building again. Want to cry but will look such a mess going into work if I do. I get the day off tomorrow then starting on Sunday, I am in till 9th October with only Saturdays off. I do like the job. I am a kitchen assistant in a care home. It is a very rushed Job and I do like that. But after not working for so many years, it is very tiring. I just want this anxiety to stop. It is getting me down and I have not felt the same since I started the job :-(

21-09-12, 06:01
Just getting up at 5.45am and can feel the anxiety building again. Want to cry but will look such a mess going into work if I do. I get the day off tomorrow then starting on Sunday, I am in till 9th October with only Saturdays off. I do like the job. I am a kitchen assistant in a care home. It is a very rushed Job and I do like that. But after not working for so many years, it is very tiring. I just want this anxiety to stop. It is getting me down and I have not felt the same since I started the job :-(

21-09-12, 13:13
Maybe it will just take a little while to settle down and get used to it? Hope you feel better soon :hugs:

21-09-12, 18:51
Hi electrical_stormgirl and Lifelong, Thanks for your posts. Much appreciated. Yes maybe I have anxiety at work because I've not been to work for so long and it may take a few more weeks to settle in. Yes a very busy job. Very tiring, and of course in a warm environment too with it being mostly in a kitchen. God knows I am doing my best. I am not due in now till Sunday so a day off tomorrow. I try to ignore this girl but yes, hopefully things will improve in a few weeks. I just want to feel at ease at work. I also feel different in myself away from work and am lower than usual. That's probably the anxiety too. I got an interesting e mail earlier. It said something like, " What others think of us is only a reflection of what we think of ourselves@". Food for thought for sure.


22-09-12, 20:01
Hi Lifelong, Thanks for your reply. Whilst I have had serious problems with anxiety over the years, I wasn't suffering with anxiety before I got the job in the kitchen. Though of course I understand what you mean when you say that anything new or unknown seems

---------- Post added at 20:01 ---------- Previous post was at 16:57 ----------

huge when you do have anxiety and every problem is greatly exaggerated. I wrote a lot more in y previous post so god knows why it only posted half of what I wrote! Anyway the bottom line is that I think I am feeling anxious about being anxious! I am feeling the anxiety and fear build as I sit here now. It's like an over reaction and they say that if you over react to things, its probably linked to your past.

Work tomorrow at 7.15am! Wish me luck...


23-09-12, 05:55
5.45am! Just getting up! Want to cry again! This has gone on since July 16th - alternate weeks - and I am really sick of feeling this way. I know it would stop if I gave the job up but I don't want to do that. I just don't know what the answer is :(


23-09-12, 15:04
Been home from work since 1.15pm and the morning - 7.15a till 1pm - went ok though I still felt anxious and I am still getting the symptoms now.


---------- Post added at 15:04 ---------- Previous post was at 15:02 ----------

Been home from work since 1.15pm and the morning - 7.15a till 1pm - went ok though I still felt anxious and I am still getting the symptoms now.
