View Full Version : Adrenalin rush from stomach?

18-09-12, 18:16
Hi, on Friday I had a very stressful and upsetting day which has now given me a new symptom. Whenever I worry now I get this shooting adrenalin from stomach that makes me feel sick. Also I haven't been eating as much because I'm always bloated even after a small meal. Any ideas if this normal?

22-09-12, 20:34
Hi, remember the slogan "If it's weird, it's anxiety". Stress can upset your system and give you what I call mini-migraines where you feel like total crud but don't quite get a migraine. Nausea and the desperate need for the toilet are usual symptoms of this. Feeling bloated it either trapped wind or most likely a symptom of anxiety. When you're anxious you lose your appetite as your body is trying to get rid of stuff, not take more on board.

22-09-12, 21:37
Yeah Scott, I get those almost electric shock type zapps in the abs/stomach area - I only have to think of something anxiety related for it to happen. Scary. Not sure if it is adrenaline though, maybe it is.

It's also mentioned in a novel I read where the character often experiences anxiety, so I guess it is related.

27-09-12, 22:22
You know adrenalin is produced near the stomach, around the kidneys, I can feel adrenalin being pumped out when I get anxious.

You're just experiencing it being produced.

27-09-12, 22:30
You know adrenalin is produced near the stomach, around the kidneys, I can feel adrenalin being pumped out when I get anxious.

You're just experiencing it being produced.

ME TOO!! I get burning surge through my belly and it travels up my arms!!

Literally feel the release!!

27-09-12, 22:34
ME TOO!! I get burning surge through my belly and it travels up my arms!!

Literally feel the release!!

Yep, exactly the same for me. :roflmao:

27-09-12, 22:38
Yep, exactly the same for me. :roflmao:
It was only last night that I really concentrated and found it really interesting that whenever I thought about it..It kept happening and I just knew it was that!! The worst bit now though..is good adrenaline..say from thinking about a new love interest makes me feel like I having a panic attack. The "butterflies/nerves" that are common in everyone I react to in the same way!!

27-09-12, 22:41
That's a good thing though Lu, because it proves that panic is "just" adrenalin, like the butterflies feeling, so is really nothing to be afraid of? :)

27-09-12, 22:46
That's a good thing though Lu, because it proves that panic is "just" adrenalin, like the butterflies feeling, so is really nothing to be afraid of? :)

This is true!! But the reaction to the butterflies I do get from my new love interest (it's making me laugh referring to him as that) intensifies and doesn't feel good..it's just plain scary!! It feels different to the way I would usually feel butterflies..if that makes sense?

27-09-12, 22:48
I do know exactly what you mean - I've sort of forgotten what it's like just to be excited for something, because all the excitement "symptoms" have come to be associated with panic & fear. Consequently I feel "fearful" about my birthday, Christmas, our anniversary... lol

27-09-12, 22:59
I do know exactly what you mean - I've sort of forgotten what it's like just to be excited for something, because all the excitement "symptoms" have come to be associated with panic & fear. Consequently I feel "fearful" about my birthday, Christmas, our anniversary... lol

This made me lol Elle-Kay...because I am exactly the same..It was only earlier today my friend mentioned Christmas approaching..to which my response was a knot in the belly and "oh no..a very feel-sick day" lol. Funny thing is..I love everything about Christmas..the build up and all the festivities but the day itself I always feel anxious!! I am now going to take a new approach to my adrenaline rush! "It's just adrenaline" will be my new mantra..instead of "oh no,I'm about to have a panic attack and pass out" lol

27-09-12, 23:01
This made me lol Elle-Kay...because I am exactly the same..It was only earlier today my friend mentioned Christmas approaching..to which my response was a knot in the belly and "oh no..a very feel-sick day" lol. Funny thing is..I love everything about Christmas..the build up and all the festivities but the day itself I always feel anxious!! I am now going to take a new approach to my adrenaline rush! "It's just adrenaline" will be my new mantra..instead of "oh no,I'm about to have a panic attack and pass out" lol

Well if nothing else your new mantra is easier to say :winks:

30-09-12, 09:14
You know adrenalin is produced near the stomach, around the kidneys, I can feel adrenalin being pumped out when I get anxious.

You're just experiencing it being produced.

Yeah exactly the same for me...somedays it's almost like I'm at a fairground on all the coasters....

My belly is where it's at...I get it a lot whilst trying to sleep which is awful.....

30-09-12, 10:43
Yeah exactly the same for me...somedays it's almost like I'm at a fairground on all the coasters....

My belly is where it's at...I get it a lot whilst trying to sleep which is awful.....

This is a perfect description and I also get it as I am drifting off!! I put lavender oil on my pillow last night and I fell straight asleep! xx

02-10-12, 21:24
I think I'm experiencing something similar though It's more like that jump you get briefly when you almost drop something or trip but It last a lot longer and it feels like my hearts sinking.

02-10-12, 21:28
Ya it's like the feeling when you're on a swing and you go high and your stomach drops, all you can do is take a deep breath : ) and not fear it as it'll soon pass and does not mean any thibg is wrong. Sometimes our body just fires off adreline for no reason,

23-10-12, 23:11
Yeah I seem to get this too, for me it seems to come from the chest or sternum area and is warm feeling that shoots around the body. It comes when I am feeling nervous or that butterflies type feeling. I also get it just before I drift off also