View Full Version : One thing after another with Health Anxiety!

18-09-12, 19:01
It's so annoying dealing with health anxiety, i have tried my best to not let health effect me.

I did good today actually i walked home from work ! (40 minutes ) and did not pass out!! (which is my fear while being in public)

Last week i aggrevated a mole - but it's back to norm now
Sunday i noticed a lump?! Ganglion cyst on my wrist
Last night i did some yoga this morning i have a bruised rib cage :S somehow...
Now my rhinitis has set off and cant breathe through my nose.

Arghh nightmare

18-09-12, 19:48
It is a nightmare! I have been feeling so much better today...until tonight and I have earache! :hugs:

19-09-12, 05:42
I hear ya. It's one thing after the other all right.
For me:

Pimples and rash on my face - thought it was cancer, it is perioral dermatitis (usually caused by stress and anxiety)

Major freak out about all my moles because I googled skin cancer (due to the dermatitis) and started stressing then about melanoma. And not just stressing - obsessing!

Worked myself into a panic attack about my moles until I could see my gp, who then said they were fine. I insisted on a referral to dermatologist anyway who I saw last week. I have to have two off my back (in an hours time - wish me luck) so now I'm anxious about that and the subsequent biopsy results

Had been having upset tummy and loose bowel movements. Again, googled symptoms and convinced myself I had bowel cancer. Turned out to be IBS brought on by...you guessed it, anxiety and stress

Then I noticed I was having twinges/cramps near my ovaries on rhs. Freaked out about ovarian cysts, cancer, ectopic pregnancy etc etc - turns out it was just my period arriving!

My heart seems to be pounding in my head lately so I went to the gp about that thinking heart attack/stroke/brain tumor etc. and of course, blood pressure, glucose etc all came back fine - again put down to anxiety and stress

Now just yesterday I have noticed a feeling in my left eye that something is stuck in there but there's nothing there. So of course I will need to go get my eyes checked next. When does it end?

Ps. When I read back over this list it almost seems comical! Unfortunately it's not funny at all - it's a living hell of stress, anxiety and panic that is unrelenting from the moment I wake. I just want to feel 'normal' again :(

19-09-12, 06:24
Heh oh I get the one thing after another!
I had the flu,fever,cough,pains,headaches n so on.
I'm better almost but very weak my muscles are sore, I have stuff to do tomorrow, dreading it.
It's hard when I rarely feel ok, sure I still get out in do stuff but inside I'm a total mess. .
But well done for walking 40 minutes, I find walking alone to be the hardest!