View Full Version : Im new, and could really use some advice :(

18-09-12, 19:32
Hi Im new my name is Dawn

Where to start, crikey its all a mess. It started when I tried to go back to work after a year 9 period at home caring for my Son who has aspergers syndrome, and his twin sister, essentially a "housewife" I suppose. I only started looking for a job as the benefits I recieve will stop when my children finish their education at 19, and I have very much enjoyed being able to care for my son instead of leaving it to strangers.

Anyway the first week of training I started to get tummy wobbles and worry about it (Ive always worried excessively so thought it was just me being me) but the second week of training I had a massive panic attack, palpatations, shaking, crying, couldnt breathe the works! I thought I was having a heart attack and dying, and they had to call my Husband to come get me as I was in such a state and couldnt drive home. I couldnt stop the shaking or drying and couldnt explain what was wrong, so went to my gp next day who said it was depression and put me on antideppressants and short term diazapam. He signed me off for 2 weeks, but the more I thought about returning the worse I got, to the point I had to resign as I felt such blind terror and had experienced several more panick attacks. Anyway it took me 3 months to feel close to normal again, but it has all just happened again! Started work in an office, within a week the dread was in my tummy, and it built up and up until I had another attack and have had to leave again. The gp has now diagnosed gad as well as depression, but this time I feel even worse. I am currently on 40mg proanol which I take as 4 10mg pills throughout the day, and am on 45mg cirtrizine which I take at night. The mornings and the evenings are worse, my hands shake and I feel trembly (think I need a higher dose of proponol) and I am constantly worrying about anything and everything. Im physically exhausted as I just cant seem to sleep, and mentally tired from all the worry and I cant handle any stress without feeling shaky inside and feeling like I cant breathe. It has been suggested I may have ptsd from childhood abuse from when I was 10/11, and I have struggled with depression, eating disorder and self harming in the past due to that, but I had been ok regards to that for a while. Im at the end of my tether, I have to see a councillor this friday, and also my gp again, and Im getting very anxious about both. I just dont understand why this is happening to me, and why now :( I feel very lost and very alone

Thanks in advance for any advice


18-09-12, 19:36
Hey Dawn,

You most certainly are not alone! I think that a lot of people will be able to relate to your story in one way or another. I hope you get all the support and guidance you need here at NMP.


18-09-12, 19:38
I think these things can happen to us when we are least expecting it. You have had some big changes though with going out to work after being home for so long. You have been in a caring role for a long time and I think it was similar with me, it was after my children were older and I went out to work that my anxiety started. Seeing a counselor will be a help to you I am sure. Please remember you are not alone, there are many of us on this site who can understand what you are going through and we can help and support each other :hugs::hugs:

18-09-12, 19:43
Hi akadawny

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

18-09-12, 19:51
Thanks everyone :)

I am dreading going to the counsillor but I am hoping it will help. I dont have alot of support in my family and my husband, mum, and sisters are getting fed up of me. I have started keeping a journal which is helping a little. Im on my own all day (hubby is in bed as he works nights) and I think my own company isnt helping :/ Trouble is I am struggling to be around people at the moment, they make me nervous and anxois, I cant even go alone to the supermarket! Maybe it is the change of going back to work after so long off, trouble is I know I will have to go back eventually which is scaring the hell out of me. Im really glad I found this forum, and I will have a look at the website articles. I already had a look at the g.a.d. info, which unfortunately describes me exactly right now.

20-09-12, 17:39
Hi Ashley! Our stories are similar. I worked at home for a attorney few years. He closed his business and I had to find a job. I never experienced any anxiety until I had my first child who is now 15. Onc e I got out to work again it all started. It is a horrible feeling. I had to admit myself to a outpatient program. It was very difficult
Once they got my medicine regulated I was fine. I take Zoloft it helps to level out my anxiety. About 1 year ago I started having major attacks again. I kept telling my GP something was wrong with me and ofcourse he said it was my depression, and all so kindly blew me off. I changed doctors and that was truly.come to find out a lifesaer. She suggested doing lab work come to find out my B-12, vitamin D,and folic acid were depleted. After getting my vitamincounts back up I truly felt like a new person. Soundscrazy I know but very true. I still have anxiety sometimes butalways around my monthly cycle when hormones are flipping around.. I hope this helps u. Don't give up 5 minutes before a miracle happens:yahoo: