View Full Version : Trying to cope without medication!

18-09-12, 20:09
I start CBT next week but i have struggled for ages with this anxiety without any sort of medication. My doctor doesnt believe in medication, but shes not the one who is batteling with anxiety/depression. I am going to make an appointment for Friday and just let her know i am not coping and i think i really do need medication to help me as well as the CBT. It makes me so angry when i see people getting medication that they dont need as they are not really depressed or suffering from anxiety! whats everyones thoughts on medication vs CBT?

18-09-12, 20:16
Medication helps to give you a stable platform to support you while you learn how to handle the problems life throws at you. The learning process varies, therapy, meditation etc are all helpful but take away the medication before you're ready and you'll probably have a relapse.

one of us

18-09-12, 21:27
It is a few years since I went for CBT, I learned some very good coping strategies which I still implement now when I need too, so for me, yes it was extremely helpful.

Medication has really helped me and I am now in a better place as far as my anxiety is concerned, I do not think I would have been able to mover forwards without it.
I asked my doctor about a certain medication and he was not willing to prescribe, so I asked for a second opinion with another GP, I got my way in the end and am pleased that I did.

Both have been invaluable to me.

18-09-12, 21:32
I took citalopram for around 2 years and at the time felt it was a godsend, however all my anxiety was still there when i came off it as i didn't deal with my underlying issues effectively when i was taking it.

I made the decision not to take it again, despite being offered it on numerous occasions, i've made it just over a year without taking it again and although every now and then wish i was i know for me, right now it is better to tackle my underlying issues without the meds.

In saying that i do have some emergency diazepam for when things get too much but took my first one last week in months! Otherwise i try to use Bach's rescue remedy to calm me.

I have recently changed counsellor and am now seeing someone who works with trauma therapy and CBT as well as starting the CBT4PANIC programme as recommended by this site.

I think whatever the individual feels they need at the time is right :)

18-09-12, 23:32
In my case I would've been totally unable to start CBT, or any serious psy work, before being put on med. I really hope you'll manage to convince your doc.

19-09-12, 11:04
Medication helps to give you a stable platform to support you while you learn how to handle the problems life throws at you. The learning process varies, therapy, meditation etc are all helpful but take away the medication before you're ready and you'll probably have a relapse.

one of us

Totally agree with above. I tried to fix my anxiety & depression with more natural ways and decided in my wisdom to pay for private psycho-therapy without any meds inside me.

I went through two weeks of therapy then had a mass breakdown the following week. It was too much for me to cope with. I had a crisis team come out to help me get back on my feet.

I am now 5 weeks into meds - I am doing CBT for the next 5 sessions then once the meds have stablised in about 3 months time I will look at returning to the deeper psycho-therapy.

While I am suffering a lot with the start up/side effects of the meds, I am slowly seeing glimpses of how I will be once they are fully up and running.

Could you see another GP?

19-09-12, 21:09
Thanks for all your replies and i do agree with the theory that it takes a combination of both medication and therapy for this to work. I just dont know how to put it across to the GP without looking like i am desperate to be doped up on pills as i certainly dont want that. I just want the help available to me as i am entiteled to it. I have been told about bachs remedy, does it really work? i willl need to try it, i tried kalms but these did nothing for me.

19-09-12, 21:24
if i'm in a major panic then Bach's doesn't feel like it touches it at all however if i'm just feeling a bit jittery then i think it helps calm me.

Good luck whatever you decide to do and remember, doctors have heard it all before. Maybe pose it as a question such as 'do you think medication could help me in this instance?'

20-09-12, 20:50
Thank you i will try that approach then. Unfortunately i have found out the surgeries are closed friday monday so i will need to wait until tuesday. I will try the bachs also.

20-09-12, 21:20
Oh no! How silly to be closed. Hopefully Tuesday you will see your GP and they will listen to you. Good luck with the Bach's in the meantime.

20-09-12, 21:37
Is there another doctor at the same practice that you could see? It seems crazy for a doctor not to believe in medication - how on earth does someone like that become a doctor in the first place lol?!

21-09-12, 18:19
thank you