View Full Version : Dizzy, fuzzy head symptoms come out of nowhere!

18-09-12, 20:17
Hi guys, hope your all doing ok and not to anxious today.

Right what it is is i get these symptoms that come out of nowhere. I will be calm all day with little to no anxiety and then bang, my head goes completely fuzzy, its hard to explain but i feel slightly ligtheaded and dizzy, its like my brain is fizzing away with this strange sensation I and cant function properly. I get a bit confused and disorientated and its like i cant communicate properly if someone trys to speak to me. Because my brain is so fuzzy i cant think properly. I also get a very slight headache with this.

Like today i had been out most of the day, felt fine, was just going to get something to eat on the way home when suddenly i had these head feelings.

I do want to believe these feeling are anxiety but i just cant sometimes when im not even anxious and the symptoms still come.

When these symptoms come it does make me anxious but its symptoms then anxiety, not anxiety then symptoms if you get me.

Has anyone experienced anything similar? Do you know what it could be?

I do feel im gradually getting better with my anxiety but when i have these symptoms they just knock me back down and i think theres something serious wrong. They are not panic attacks they area something different.

Any advice would be great guys

18-09-12, 20:31
Could it be depersonalisation? Look in the symptoms section. I have this. I don't need to be anxious either! But it makes me anxious because I dwell on these feelings

18-09-12, 20:38
Thanks for the reply loopylu86 but No i have had depersonalisation when my anxiety was really bad and this is not it, this is different, just mad strange fuzzy sensations in my head and then afterwards i feel like im wired or coming up on some sort of drug.

18-09-12, 21:32
Hi there I had this for months on end and it's horrible, it is a bit like you get lost inside your head or that you feel like something is happening to you but its centred around your head ? I used to say to people I dont have a headache or pain just odd sensations and feelings in my head. I used to think that eating would help as it was that kind of feeling like you get when you are hungry and lose concentration and feel a bit shakey. I am sure it is all anxiety and although you feel like it comes out of no where it may be triggered by blood sugars dropping or a change in breathing which then causes a bit of anxiety even before you know it and adrenalin is released and a cycle starts. This really doesnt sound like the symptom of anything else. I used to have to go to a quiet room and deep breathe until it passed (it was that bad) and as you say even when it lifted a bit it still didnt feel clear for sometime x

18-09-12, 22:13
Thanks Rockydog, yea lost inside your head sounds similar, like i cant think or do anything because my brain goes so fuzzy, fuzzy is the only way i can explain the sensation, like your brain is filled with static that you see on your tv screen. This sensations goes on for a while and i feel so horrible and then when the fuzzyness calms down i seem to feel like im buzzing of a drug im completely wired, my pupils are huge.

I hope your right in saying its anxiety or maybe a change in breathing, just doesnt feel like it as im feel fine then it just pops up out of nowhere.

Anyone else felt similar things going on or know what can cause it if its not anxiety?

18-09-12, 22:18
Your pupils dilate with fear anyway and that will add to your strange feelings as it will affect your vision :)

19-09-12, 03:13
Yep your right mate they do dilate with the fear but they are often uneven. Anyway ill stop going on about it now lol.

19-09-12, 08:24
Lol have you had your eyes checked because there is some harmless condition that makes your pupils dilate a friend of mine had it and it gave her headaches until it was treated, hope youre ok x

19-09-12, 13:47
I have had my eyes checked rockydog and the optician recommended i be refered to a neuro opthamologist just incase and he gave me a letter to give to my doctor, so i went and gave it to my doctor and they still wouldnt refer me. Ive been a number of times about this. I went back again a couple of weeks ago and in the end after my not giving up the doctor said she would refer me to a nuero, so im waiting for that but nothing has come through yet. I think she may have just said she woukd refer me to get rid of me as my mum tells me she has done stuff like that before.

Anyway these feelings continued last night, i felt so weird and then i woke up this morning the head sensation were still there, my body felt sort of floaty and light and my head was so fuzzy, just dont know whats going on.

19-09-12, 18:30
Gotgetthroughthis - sounds like something very similar to what I experienced but could never explain properly. Do you take SSRI's?

---------- Post added at 17:30 ---------- Previous post was at 17:29 ----------

Or have you taken SSRI's in the past?

19-09-12, 18:41
What do you actually think is wrong with you ? the symptoms you describe are so classic anxiety that im not sure what you think you could have :)

19-09-12, 19:16
Hi i constantly have strange head sensations i cant even descrube them but its kinda similar to what u say about urs..ive had it now for 2months n im not anxious either...im waitin to see a neuroligist x

19-09-12, 20:57
Gotgetthroughthis - sounds like something very similar to what I experienced but could never explain properly. Do you take SSRI's?

---------- Post added at 17:30 ---------- Previous post was at 17:29 ----------

Or have you taken SSRI's in the past?

Yea i am on Citalopram at the moment. I think i had these sensations before starting the citalopram so i dont think its that causing it. Although i do think its citalopram causing one pupil to be bigger than the other as i think it started when i started taking the meds.

yes it is very hard to explain, its a horrible disturbing sensation and makes you really worried about what is going on in your head.

---------- Post added at 20:57 ---------- Previous post was at 20:11 ----------

Hi i constantly have strange head sensations i cant even descrube them but its kinda similar to what u say about urs..ive had it now for 2months n im not anxious either...im waitin to see a neuroligist x

Yea im waiting to see a neurologist aswell, after going back to my doctor a number of times and not giving up they agreed to refer me but i dont no if they just said it to get rid of me as i havnt heard anything or recieved a letter.

Have you got a date to see the neuro yet? how long ago were you referred?

19-09-12, 21:36
No no.letter back yet either from a month ago. i rang yesterday to see whats takin so long n they said the neuro had to discuss your symptoms to see whos best to give advice and if you may need tests before hand ie mri scan or bood work.
Do u ever get like brain squeezin sensations or crawling sensations? I also get a really odd feeling which makes me feel like im loosing my mind :-(

Yea i am on Citalopram at the moment. I think i had these sensations before starting the citalopram so i dont think its that causing it. Although i do think its citalopram causing one pupil to be bigger than the other as i think it started when i started taking the meds.

yes it is very hard to explain, its a horrible disturbing sensation and makes you really worried about what is going on in your head.

---------- Post added at 20:57 ---------- Previous post was at 20:11 ----------

Yea im waiting to see a neurologist aswell, after going back to my doctor a number of times and not giving up they agreed to refer me but i dont no if they just said it to get rid of me as i havnt heard anything or recieved a letter.

Have you got a date to see the neuro yet? how long ago were you referred?

19-09-12, 22:14
Yea i kinda of get the brain squeezing sensation, feels like something is sort of rushing through my brain, like static.

Yea i definitely feel like im losing my mind at times, when my head is really fuzzy i cant think straight at all, i feel like i cant do anything or think about anything my mind is completely empty apart from the horrible sensations. I get disorientated and confused sometimes aswell but not so much recently.

20-09-12, 07:36
How long have u had this going on for now?

20-09-12, 12:49
Ive had it on and off for about 2 months, it was really bad a couple of months ago, then it settled down for a bit. I was just dizzy and foggy for about a month but now the fuzzy strange feelings are coming back. When i wake up now i feel like i have no perception of where my body is, i feel all floaty and weightless along with strange head sensations.

20-09-12, 15:43
Hmm its not nice but try n stay strong.

20-09-12, 21:57
The amygdala in the brain works incredibly fast and reacts to (negative) thought patterns faster than you can formulate them into words in your mind.

That is why these flashes (panic attacks) seem so unpredictable.

20-09-12, 22:07
Thanks Jules. Yea what you say sounds right but to me these do not feel like panic attacks. My head goes incredibly fuzzy i can not function properly and my mind goes completely blank but i do not have other symptoms of a panic attack.

20-09-12, 22:19
Panic attacks are defined as 4 or more anxiety symptoms hitting you simultaneously. Raised anxiety levels as part of the fight/flight syndrome can be unpredictable and don't always follow the same pattern each time.

The symptoms you describe are those of a panic attack.

When it happens begin slow, deep, diaphragmatic breathing with the ratio of inhalation to exhalation at 7:11, i.e. 7 counts in, 11 out for a couple of minutes and the dizziness/light-headedness will subside although it may take some practice.

Also, raised background anxiety levels (when you think you are calm but you aren't really) deplete your blood sugar reserves so you are likely to feel light-headed when hungry/just before you are ready to eat.

20-09-12, 22:26
Thanks Jules that does reassure me some what :)

There is nothing leading up to these attacks though and the only other thing is after the Fuzzyness fades away, it is still there but to nowhere near the same degree. I feel like i am on a drug or something for the next few hours, its like im wired, body feels strange and floaty, get shooting headaches, pupils are huge, just feels like im rushing of some kind of sumstance.

Thanks for your help

20-09-12, 22:32
Dilated pupils is another fight/flight response. You may also notice that your hearing is acutely sensitive to transients (sudden noises, rustling leaves, the wind etc).

Panic attacks themselves leave you feeling pretty crap for several hours afterwards as my nurse once told me and this can cause them to return in waves.

I suggest that your background anxiety levels are raised to say, 5 when 3 is the normal level for a non-sufferer. 5 quickly becomes 7 with the odd stray nasty negative automatic thought and this will trip a cycle taking you to 8, 9 or the full-blown PA at 10.

22-09-12, 20:35
Panic attacks are defined as 4 or more anxiety symptoms hitting you simultaneously. Raised anxiety levels as part of the fight/flight syndrome can be unpredictable and don't always follow the same pattern each time.

The symptoms you describe are those of a panic attack.

When it happens begin slow, deep, diaphragmatic breathing with the ratio of inhalation to exhalation at 7:11, i.e. 7 counts in, 11 out for a couple of minutes and the dizziness/light-headedness will subside although it may take some practice.

Also, raised background anxiety levels (when you think you are calm but you aren't really) deplete your blood sugar reserves so you are likely to feel light-headed when hungry/just before you are ready to eat.

I wish i had 4 or more symptoms to i could say it was anxiety, but i just have this fuzzy dizzy head that comes and i cant function properly. Thats 1 symptom.

27-09-12, 18:12

01-10-12, 20:41
Dizzyness please go away.

01-10-12, 21:10
I get this alot, amongst millions of other things, I tend to notice that even when I think i'm not anxious subconsciously I am, maybe it's the same deal with you, hope you feel better soon!

02-10-12, 15:58
Yea maybe i am subconsciously anxious. But these feeling come on soooo strong when im completely calm and relaxed and bang they hit me, which just makes me think its something else, i do hope your right though.

02-10-12, 17:49
This is exactly what im having right now! my head feels weird and slow and foggy i hate it

02-10-12, 17:54
I have just had the foggy head from nowhere like 20 mins ago. As soon as it happen I feel a panic spike. Just lead here thinking..GREAT..Here we are again!!!

02-10-12, 21:29
1 symptom = raised anxiety levels falling short of the rather arbitrary criterion of 4 that qualifies as a PA.

02-10-12, 21:47
oh my lordy, I just wrote a post about this just this second!!!! read two below your one on the forum ... does it feel like static .... like this weird static feeling - and you feel as though you might have some weird seizure ... I have that!!!!!! It drives me nuts, I"m exhausted so thinking it's that, and like you I'm not anxious!

Adrenal out of whack - I'd love to know what it is.

---------- Post added at 20:47 ---------- Previous post was at 20:33 ----------

"For example, having dilated pupils is very common when someone is having anxiety attacks, and sometimes one pupil may even seem larger than the other. This isn't something most people will notice readily, but it's something you can start paying attention to, if you want to get a better sense of others who may be suffering from anxiety as well".

Just found this x

02-10-12, 21:56
1 symptom = raised anxiety levels falling short of the rather arbitrary criterion of 4 that qualifies as a PA.

I know what raised anxiety feels like and I know what a panic attack feels like. As the fuzzy dizzy head comes first out of nowhere the anxiety must be completely subconscious.

02-10-12, 22:06
I have the same thing though ...... seriously, I have no idea why I get static head - I"m just at home doing nothing - reading, or cooking - and i just get it!

03-10-12, 21:29
Yea it is strange tanpixie.

Ive also been getting random shooting pains in my head and random headaches that only last for a minute or so but are severe. Along with thue usualy fuzzy dizzyness. :mad:

06-10-12, 01:46

07-10-12, 22:45
how are you getting on now, any better ? :)

07-10-12, 23:01
Hi Rockydog, na sadly not mate, im pretty much the same as i was when i posted this.

10-10-12, 16:22
Thats not good, except you are no worse, head things are horrible to put up with i had a spell for about 5 months last year. Have you got other appointments to be investigated ? i think i remember you saying you were being reffered ? x

10-10-12, 16:36
Yea i am being refered to a neurologist but still havnt heard anything so its going to be a couple of months untill i see anyone i expect. I have form to get a blood test for Lyme disease but thats its, no other tests. Dont know what there is to test for as they havnt suggested anything.

11-10-12, 03:49
Silly question but....

Did you ever checked you blood pressure when you feel dizzy?

I've had similar synthoms to yours over very high bloodpressure (stress, anxiety) and over very low blood pressure (anxiety pills, being very tired).

On my case, the high-blood pressure fuzzy was accompanied by a sense of urgency in everything I did, I couldnt focus on anything, I kept getting distracted and my head felt very light. Oh sometimes I had no palpitations, but the pressure was throught the roof.

The low blow pressure fuzzy was more in line to what you described, it wouldn't hurt to check when you feel like that, maybe you can drop by a pharmacy ti measure it?

12-10-12, 15:46
Yea my blood pressure is generally on the low side, usually around 110/60 sometimes 100/50 but it has always been this way and its the same is the rest of the men in my family who all have slightly low blood pressure. Which is sometimes seen as a sign of being fit and healthy. I was never dizzy before with this blood pressure and none of my family are so i dont think its that. I have a blood pressure moniter at home and used to be obbsessed with taking it so i know my bp is ok.

16-10-12, 18:07
Ive noticed these symptoms do coincide with my pupils being uneven. Something funny is going on. Just want to see this neuro now to get checked but im going to be waiting ages.

08-11-12, 03:32

27-02-13, 02:09

I am certain I have the exact thing you describe. Fuzzy is the best description. I feel fine, but it comes on every few minutes, especially when I stand up.

It feels like i'm coming onto a drug, for sure.

It came out of nowhere and I googled this feeling. Did you figure it out?

I'm on SSRI and missed the last 48 hours of my doses, so I think that's porbably it, but who knows. Also, going through ACL reconstruction rehab for the last 2 months, so shit has been generally weird a lot recently.

Did you ever figure out what it was? I don't feel anxious or depressed. It doesn't hurt. It's annoying, and for the most part it sucks just because I don't know what it is.

04-03-13, 21:27
Hi Franklin,

I got your private message and replied to you there :)

04-03-13, 23:03
This is exactly what I've been getting lately! I have severe seasonal allergies so I was thinking this is whats setting it off. My wife seems to think so and she says its messing with my equilibrium. I'm not really sure but its exactly like you describe it, dizzy, off-balance and fuzzy feeling. I don't really know if its my BP or not. My BP is usually 125/70 but I do have a really low resting heart rate (45-55bpm), well only when I'm not being checked at the doctors office because then it shoots up to 120 because I get so damn nervous there! I'm a really active person so I'm hoping its not a BP or HR thing for me. It does suck though! This feeling and ectopic beats are the two things I truly loathe!

22-09-13, 17:29
To Gottagetthrouhthis!
Did You?,the sensations you have explained is what i have been feeling for the last nine weeks,i have trouble expalining how i am feeling but after reading your post,i realaised that is me at the moment to a tee,and it doesnt seem to get any better! I think i am feeling like that about 80 per cent of the day,i do have some good moments the other 20 per cent.
I am a Bus Driver and i went sick on duty nine weeks ago because my sight was playing up one night and my senses generally seemed to be all over the place, I had an MRI and blood tests all came back clear,i have told my doctor basically how i feel which is how you did and he says its anxiety or stress related,he cant think what else it can be,he has referred me to a neurologist as i persisted but i sense he thinks i am wasteing peoples time,I have to return to work on Thursday,i am worried about it but also am hoping that is exactly what i need to do and put the whole traumatic experience behind me.I hope you are still available to comment,but how do you feel one year on,hoping to get some positive news from you

22-09-13, 20:45
I'm going through this again after an episode in July. Came on suddenly. It's weird I'm so spaced out and foggy headed, I forget what I'm typing. I'm not anxious either. My doc has gave me anti b for ear infection, and I've got a cold so maybe sinus related.has anyone cured it? Also my eyes feel like they're moving when there not

23-09-13, 17:28
I have been on Citalopram since March and I to am having the weird sensations. I feel dizzy, lightheaded and when I move my eyes I am getting what I can only describe as electric shocks in my head.

I am choked up just now, maybe it's sinus related, but it's making me worry, and when I worry......well.....I think we all know what happens lol

23-09-13, 18:21
I can certainly say that when I was coming off citalopram I got brain zaps big style. Was like an electric shock every few hours - very disconcerting!