View Full Version : Really worried about blood poisoning!

18-09-12, 20:24
Hello...So today has been one of the best days I have had so far. I went to Tesco and then to my first CBT session which went well. I even managed to visit my sister on the way home with no problems. Massive steps for me all in one day. I have previously posted about the boild i have on my butt. It actually has gotten pretty large and has a hole in it. I have put antiseptic on it and a dressing that the doc give me for a previosu boil but I feel queasy thinking about it and am terrified that bacteria has entered and that I will get blood poisoning overnight and die. This may sound rediculous but I am so scared. I am feeling headachey and ridiculously tired. Please advice!!!

18-09-12, 20:37
Pleased you have been able to achieve so much today and concentrate on those positives not the negatives! You are not going to get blood poisoning from the boil and you are NOT going to die from it and you will still be there to say Hello to me in the morning. If you think they are getting more troublesome go back to your doctor but it is not life threatening. You have done a lot today so you will be tired. We have both had more positive days and done more. I have already come up to bed as I am so tired and now have earache :( but we can overcome these little problems :hugs::hugs:

18-09-12, 20:51
Annie you truly are a little angel. I have been sat here googling Sepsis and freaking myself out. I am not even a health anxiety sufferer. I rarely go to the docs. The boil is no different than the last one but the hole in it is bigger and I suppose that is what is freaking me out. I have seen imaged of these huge wounds and keep thinking mine will be the same and I will have half a butt missing!! My boil doesn't have the red streaks coming off it but I cant stop checking!
Apart from that..today has been excellent. I feel so proud of myself because I did all that I needed to do and feel so much better for it! Your positivity really did rub off :D
Aww I hate earache that and dental are so painful! But in a strange way...gives you something to concentrate on apart from anything else! I am tucked up now too! Going to pop on my relaxing beach sounds and have a well diserved rest!! Goodnight God bless!! :hugs:

18-09-12, 20:58
Promise me you won't google any more!!! Relax now and have a good night :hugs:

18-09-12, 21:01
I promise!! lol. I do have docs tomo so I will wait and see what she has to say! I hope they don't give me those awful Flucloxacillian! x

19-09-12, 10:39
i had a boil back along and like you was scared stiff about sepsis,got into a right old state but doc gave me anti biotics and it soon cleared up,i was even seeing red lines coming off it , i actually had neutropenic sepsis 5 weeks ago but that was caused by chemo knocking out my immune system but the anti biotics soon sorted it out,the odd thing is i dealt with that as i had it ,its the things i imagine i have that i can
not deal with arghhhh hate health anxiety ,best wishes to you xx

13-10-12, 14:17
Hey everyone,
I had a boil lanced and packed behind my ear and I am worrying about the same thing... I feel nauseous constantly but I think I am nauseated by how gross it is..but then I start thinking maybe I am nauseous because of wide spread infection...some one help me calm down :)

13-10-12, 15:06
One thing I learnt is that google is bad , talking to friends is good :)