View Full Version : I think ive hit rock bottom...AGAIN!

18-09-12, 20:28
Ive had enough. Seriously. I wish I was like other 16 year olds not having a care in the world. Not being scared to go out with certain people or certain places. Lately ive been having obsessive thoughts about killing myself somehow...I just feel like I don't want to be here anymore and then the pain and sadness will go away and I will be much happier..soon im meant to start counselling again for my anxiety and my mum's boyfriend said that I should be ashamed of myself starting it again. Im constantly worrying and crying the main thing at the moment is it's hurting when I go for a wee...ive been the doctors 2 times and the hospital once ive done 2 watersamples and nothing showed up! it did go off and now it's back again...it seems like I can't see my future anymore..like plan one because I can't because I honestly don't think I have one I give up! -Rant Over-

Mr Brownstone
18-09-12, 20:58
"I should be ashamed of myself starting it again"...is he serious?? Is that some way of motivating you, or is he just an idiot? Theres absolutely nothing wrong with going back again. I went to counselling for my anxiety and felt it did me pretty much no good whatsoever (the only good it did really do me was realising that people make a living out of the counselling, so theres clearly loads of us about!!). This urine thing is just an added worry that you dont really need. With the docs not finding anything, it doesnt sound anything serious, so Id try not to worry too much about it (I know, easer said than done:p). You should be looking forward to your future...i bet you 5 years from now your life will have changed totally, whether its a new job, uni, your own place...it will get better. Theres loads of things to look forward to.

18-09-12, 21:14
He's just an idiot! ahaha Ive already been once and I was anxiety free for 8 months and then it came back -_-and I know I shouldn't but it really hurts and it's uncomfortable down below...and I hope my life does :/ because right now it's terrible :S

Mr Brownstone
18-09-12, 21:20
The fact you went 8 months anxiety free is good, i think most sufferers just have it constantly. Seeing as this is in the health section, is it just this latest thing thats brought it back?

18-09-12, 21:29
Nahh it started again Janury 6th? I think...so what a good start to the year..aha and it's been on and off all year various symptoms going on...it's started in January because it felt like i couldn't breath for about 2 months..turns out that was anxiety -_-

Mr Brownstone
18-09-12, 21:33
I know what its like...its a bit of a cycle. Keeping yourself busy is a good idea (if you can), before you know it, you've went a few months and theres been nothing wrong with you. Its probably good to focus on the fact that for everything you've thought was wrong with you in the past, theres actually been nothing wrong with you at all.

18-09-12, 21:40
That's what I try to do but im still thinking about it :/ and I hope I can conquer these feelings/thoughts...