View Full Version : Anxiety cycle

18-09-12, 21:18
I seem to be stuck in a loop of anxiety for the last few weeks that has been unrelenting minus a few period were I feel well in the evening. May day starts out were as soon as I wake up I'm anxious, this in turn means that I have no appetite, then a sudden fatigue/weakness will set in (I thought I may be hypoglycemic but it's probably anxiety related) then I wills get a lump in the throat feeling that makes me gag. These symptoms last over the day until evening. I have no idea where this all came from as I was fine for years since last having similar problems a few years ago.

I'm on mirt for the last few weeks but have not seen any improvement (started 15mg and have been on 30mg for a week) have been of work for around 4weeks but not sure I'll be able to go back anytime soon. Work have set forms from an occupational therapist for my gp to complete with me to tomorrow. Worried about my financial future as my work are unlikely to keep paying me indefinitely. I'm having my thyroid meds adjusted just in case but not sure if my anxiety is related to that or another prob. I'm at my wits end. Wondering whether anyone. Has had similar issues as me?

19-09-12, 10:14
Hi Simms

I left my job due to stress ( anxiety & depression ). I probably should have stayed as my anxiety and depression got worse ( low self esteem ) having no job and a family to care for. Things sound crap for you just now but it will settle once you start to feel better. I project a lot about the future but try and do the opposite and live in the day. You don't know how things will turn out and the anxious mind will play all the negative scenarios out in your mind. I wish you all the best and hope things settle for you....

Steven :)

19-09-12, 10:23
Hi there

Loops of anxiety are auwful:( I am stuck in a blip at the moment and is not nice!

When my anxiety comes on it feels like I will never be the same again, old thoughts and feelings come back and there seems no point.

However, I am constantly reminded by my husband that I will come though. This cannot last forever. I am always looking for the answer and hoping by the weekend it is gone, when the weekend comes and its not I stress even more. As Steven says one day at a time. You have been well for a long time, might be a blip, has anything changed in your life?

Jackie xx

19-09-12, 15:43
I think what has happened is that I started getting awful palpitations in June which in turn led to me getting more stressed as I did not know why they were happening. I had a 24 hour tape test done in June which I have not received the results from yet :mad: and had echo-cardiogram yesterday which seemed fine. Funny thing is the palpitations have subsided but and I started feeling better but as of a few weeks ago I've got in the cycle I've described. Life was good....actually life is good but I cannot fathom why my body is not on the same page. I have a beautiful understanding wife, financially we are fine (as long as I keep my job that is) I've not got any stress besides a slightly stressful job but I was not feeling obviously stressed by my job if that makes sense. My body and possibly my subconscious mind are not happy but not sure why at the moment :weep: