View Full Version : Should I be worried?

18-09-12, 21:25
I have worked a 13 hour shift today and as I am a carer I am on my feet all day. I often have slightly swollen feet and ankles because of this.
But this evening whilst getting out of the bath I noticed only my left foot and ankle seem swollen. I'm freaking out now thinking it could be a blood clot! Help! xx

Mr Brownstone
18-09-12, 21:29
Doubt it. Im sure we all stand on on one foot more than the other, and after a 13 hour day i dont think this will be unusual. I have a pair of shoes where one rubs against my ankle on one foot, but not the other. We clearly do stand differently on each foot.

18-09-12, 21:30
Sit with your feet raised up for a while and see if the swelling goes down. It could possibly be that you have had more weight on that foot than the other one and also the hot water in the bath could have made it swell more. I am recovering from a fracture in my foot and it keeps swelling and I panicked about a blood clot but the doctor said it would make my calf muscle tighter and very painful so it doesn't sound like that.

18-09-12, 22:30
Mention it to your doctor if it's still there tomorrow .
Heat can cause ankles to swell, so try running some cool water on them and sit with your legs up.
You can also get tight sock things to stop the blood from pooling in your feet, some people wear them on long flights so they might help :)