View Full Version : I think I'm going up die or go blind

18-09-12, 22:51
My eyes are really red and I looked on Internet about it now I'm panicking I don't want to
Go blind or die :(

18-09-12, 23:01
In what way do you mean red?

18-09-12, 23:11
In what way do you mean red?There both really blood shot

18-09-12, 23:43
Oh we all get that - usually when we are tired or had a late night

19-09-12, 07:40
I get blood shot eyes if I am really anxious and shallow breathing, I think it's down to an incorrect mix of oxygen/carbon dioxide in the blood stream, nothing to worry about. Get some Optrex eye drops from the chemist that will sort it out.

19-09-12, 21:02
Will I be ok

19-09-12, 21:15
I assume they are ok today?

19-09-12, 22:02
I assume they are ok today?ye a bit red but when I get tired they go really red it all started when my nan came out of hospital I have been looking after her I would not say
I have done loads I'll make us both food get her drinks when
She wants and I feel exhausted at night but I don't
Think I'm doing that much that I feel like this

19-09-12, 22:05
Well we all get red eyes when we are tired so I don't think it is anything sinister.

19-09-12, 22:37
Ok thanks

20-09-12, 20:30
yea... I always get red eyes when I am tired....