View Full Version : Really worried about health symptoms - Anxiety?

19-09-12, 01:30

I thought I would post to ask if anyone has had a similar experience or symptoms as me. Recently I've experienced a great deal of stress in my working and personal life. About a week ago I broke out into a rash and was constantly experiencing nausea. I was sent to A&E and they did blood tests, urine tests and x rays and could find nothing wrong. The Doctor suggested it could be a viral infection brought on by stress. Since then I have continued to have nausea and a rash, but, tonight I noticed a numbness on the bridge of my nose and forehead. I have also noticed that when I can get worried or panicked that these symptoms could be the sign of something serious my nausea turns to retching and my rash becomes more inflamed. I have long suffered with depression, but, have never experienced this type of panic before. Has anyone had a similar experience to this before? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

macc noodle
19-09-12, 01:42
Hi there

Post viral rashes are often seen in children - I should not dwell on it too much since the doctor could find nothing wrong with you.

Also, sometimes we get rashes when we are really stressed out. Could it be like a type of excema do you think?

Who sent you to A&E? Your GP?

Why not make a docs appt at your GP and go for a discussion and see what they suggest - just to put your mind at rest.

Macc Noodle

19-09-12, 02:13

Thanks for your reply. I ended up in A&E because I developed the rash at around 5pm, I rang my GP, but, they were unable to see me at that time, so they advised me to go down to A&E just to be safe. I had wondered if it could be Excema, but, it's not itchy and looks rather like a heat rash. The Doctor at the hospital said it looked like a typical blanching viral rash. I think I have picked up a bug, but, I was more wondering if anxiety could be prolonging the effects? I was on the mend this weekend, but, over the last two days as I have found myself worrying that it is actually the sign of something more sinister my symptoms seem to be becoming worse again. I think I will make an appointment with my GP just to get everything checked out.

19-09-12, 03:21
I would get tested for allergies, does anti histamine/alergy meds get rid of the rash?
You can too break out in a nervous rash if you're anxious.
I would wash all the bed sheets n pillows if you think it could alergy related.
Where abouts do you get the rash?
Have you used any new washing powder or soaps?