View Full Version : Blanching-So pale.

19-09-12, 08:52
Hello all,I have noticed that I am so pale recently. My legs literally look like a corpse. It is really bothering me. I have a docs appointment at 11 about my boil and I am so nervous about going. I am just wooried that she is going to tell me I am seriosuly ill. My anxiety is definitely better and after CBT yesterday I had a good day. But I have woke up worried about my appearance and this skin condition. Making me feel very queasy indeed. I know blanching is an anxiety side effect but I thought it was something temporary after a panic attack. I do sleep with a fan on because I find it soothing and I haven't had any sun for a while. I just feel very worried and faint when I think about it.

19-09-12, 09:02
Morning :) I woke up feeling anxious about my foot again and my ear ache but feel a bit better now I have got up. I think when you are anxious you do look more pale. I looked in the mirror and I thought I was a ghost! I look so pale with dark circles round my eyes! Good luck with your appointment today. I have my physio appointment at 11.45 today. :hugs::hugs:

19-09-12, 09:41
I have got up and had some food and a drink so am feeling better too! Good to know that I am not the only pale one! lol Let us know how your physio goes. Is it your first one? xx

19-09-12, 09:49
No it is my 4th and he is so patient with me because I have to have everything about what is happening inside my foot explained to me every week! and why is it still painful? He tells me every time but I still ask again! I always feel more reassured after I have seen him. Quite pleased today because I am determined to walk in without my crutches! :D

19-09-12, 15:45
Hi How did your appointment go? My physio said he is really pleased with my progress and said I should be walking normally in a few weeks :)

19-09-12, 18:05
Did you walk in without your crutches?? My appointment went really well thank you! Dr said that it's just an abyss and nothing to be panicking over! She said the surrounding area is due to an allergic reaction to my plaster! I am so relieved! She was pleased with the Cit results. I'm on day 17 and there must be an improvement because I have been to a friends and visited my mum at work etc. I think this bout of stress is easing and I'm finally starting to feel more "with it" and less depersonalised...I'm not counting my chickens just yet though..but I'm in a more livable state. A week ago I couldn't leave the house. So strange how life throws these things at us!! How long have you suffered with anxiety before? Do you have any relief from it at all?

19-09-12, 18:11
I have answered most of your questions on your other thread..we must have been typing at the same time :) I have has anxiety for 8 years but the first year was the worst. I have had little set backs now and again but because I have overcome it before I am more positive about doing it again :)