View Full Version : Angina?

19-09-12, 09:38
Does anyone struggle with chest pain on the left side below their breast or chest pain due to cold weather?

I'm convinced there is something wrong with my heart. I'm awaiting a visit with a cardioligist but my ECGs came back normal, blood tests normal etc.

But why do I get chest pain in the cold? :( is it my anxiety playing tricks? Does anyone else have this? Sometimes I get nausea with it as well.

I'm driving myself crazy. Every day from the moment I get up to the moment I go to bed I'm worried Im going to die.

19-09-12, 10:05
I get a lot of chest pain and nausea with my anxiety but it is always good to have things like this checked out, if all your tests have come back normal I don't think you have any thing to worry about. :hugs::hugs:

19-09-12, 10:14
Thanks. I know but I'm just driving myself crazy with it. I had a full body MOT in January which was fine, that included a stress test on a bike, blood tests, blood pressure tests etc.

I'm convincing myself I have angina or a pending heart attack, i keep getting these very quick pains like and sometimes my pulse feels like it's squelching - if that makes sense.

But when I stqart to get chest pains in the cold I start to worry because that surely can't be anxiety.

Can't wait to see my cardiologist, it's running my life!

19-09-12, 10:28
I don't know if it is the same with you but when it is cold and I start to shiver I sometimes associate it with shivering with anxiety and that gives me chest pains and also nausea. I am sure you will be fine if the tests are normal. Your cardiologist will reassure you. If there had been any problems with the tests they would have sent you to see him sooner. :hugs::hugs:

19-09-12, 18:45
Cold weather can cause muscles to contract and this can be quite painful. The more anxious you are the more you will focus on this pain and it's gets a bit out of control. I know, I've been there am an there most days. I get embarrassed going to my doctors for new symptoms that pop up as I know he's going to look at me after I have droned on about my aches and pains and say 'anxiety still going strong then?'. Warm baths help muscles to relax and stay wrapped up warm with layers when you go out in the cold.