View Full Version : Really bad symptom

01-08-06, 22:38
This morning my father came into my room and woke me up and startled me. i woke up and felt extremly startled and very weird. I cant even explain the feeling, but I thought i was having a minor heart attack. I was half out of it, and I cant really explain the feeling in words. Does anyone ever wake up or get startled awake from a deep sleep and feel extremely weird? LIke your having a heart attack, um.. u just feel very weird spaced out dizziness like something is going terribly wrong. Its really horrible and scarry. I dont know what the hell caused it. It was beyond just being startled. but i felt as if my body was breakng down

02-08-06, 00:47
yea i wake up room spinning forgetting where i am and strange feeling in my head...happened last night..i get out of bed and start reading and piut some noise on...tv or radio until i can fall asleep again.

02-08-06, 04:04
Yes this happens to me nearly every morning when I wake up............it can be a noise or just the realisation that its another day...........I feel my heart race and feel shakey and out of it..........and thats before I get up...........its just anxiety and in my case disappointment that the anxiety didn't vanish over night like I wish it would every night when I go to sleep.

It can't harm you - just challenge you to keep accepting and ignoring it...........its just a feeling........albeit not a nice one.

02-08-06, 05:15
Some mornings lately I've been waking up cold (its around 6C here in the morning) but still sweating.
I just put it down to anxiety as usual.

Don't believe everything you think.

02-08-06, 07:29
Yes ,I have been waking up like that almost every night like that now for almost two weeks now. I wake up scared out of my mind and kind of forget where and who I am for a while. It is really scary!! I am sorry you have been cursed with this stupid anxiety problem. It really stinks.


02-08-06, 21:52
yeah its a real bummer.. During it i swear im dieing or something is going severely wrong in my body. with me its not so much a panic from depression or i just get really bad negative thoughts, its more physical.. I think i have a form of subconcious anxiety. or health anxiety i have no idea

02-08-06, 21:54
sorry forgot to type this. WHen your going to sleep.. are you ever extra sensitive to sounds.. like if theres a click or any kind of sudden sound i feel it in my body.. really weird.. Like one of my muscles anywhere on my body automatically reacts or jolts to the sound.. I can hear the sound and feel a sensation in my leg for instance.. Like a nerve twitch from the sound. Sounds weird i know. can anyone relate

04-09-06, 16:39
I can relate, when I can sleep!!! It takes forever to get there I have to get up three or four times a night to try to find out what the sound is! end up double checking all the locks and rooms but still return to bed hypervigilant! I just try to tell myself that these are "normal reactions"

You are not alone!!!


04-09-06, 19:03
yes i had this feeling last night i thought i was dead, i just didnt feel real at all, also get really jumpy from any noises first thing in the morning, its because of your nerves being so sensitized they are like a tight violin chord all strung up, awful.

we are all stronger people after having this