View Full Version : Here we go again, trying not to stress lol!!

19-09-12, 10:50
Hi all, hope everyone is ok (as well as us sufferers can be anyway).

I have been doing quite well lately and trying to ignore all my symptoms so my anxiety hasnt been too bad but a few days ago I felt a large raw patch on my lower left gum, under my tongue. It's really sore so I managed to get into the dentist yesterday. He said it's a mouth ulcer but now my tongue feels really sore and I'm getting earache on that side. Im trying not to stress about it but that worrying feeling keeps creeping up on me arghhhhh. Of course Im thinking oral cancer.

I've never had a mouth ulcer and it feels really big, the dentist did say it's large and looks really sore but would it affect my tongue and ear? Im not asking for medical advice, just wondering if anyone has suffered them and had same sort of problems.

Thanks x

19-09-12, 11:04
Your dentist would have noticed if it was oral cancer. My son used to get mouth ulcers a lot and they can be really painful. I used to buy tablets that you dissolve in your mouth but I can't remember the name of them. Your chemist should be able to help. They cleared them really quickly. :hugs:

19-09-12, 11:07
Thanks Annie.. definitely very painful and my tongue is so sore. Will have a word with a pharmacist x