View Full Version : Sharp shooting pain in top of head

19-09-12, 11:33

I keep getting sharp shooting pains in the top right part of my head. They occur randomly maybe twice a day and it’s kind of like a throbbing with my pulse. It lasts around 20 seconds, it’s very painful. I don’t have headaches often, it’s normally just this pain.

I’ve been suffering with severe health anxiety since June when I started feelings that my heart was skipping a beat.

I had an MRI scan on Friday (head) and still waiting the results =/

Other symptoms I have :

• Floaters in eyes
• Visual Snow
• Tinnitus (dull ringing in my ears)
• Strange smells (not burning – sometimes for half hour I can smell a smell which is like hot water or wood, it’s hard to describe). This seems to be happening less and less however.
• I get a lot of after image when looking at things
• I zone out a lot when thinking and get mezomorized (blurry/double vision that I can control/stop with just blinking or snapping out of it).

I am 99% convinced I have a Brain Tumour and that it’s going to be bad news, and feeling really suicidal about it, does anyone ever have these symptoms, particularly the throbbing =/ ?

The only thing I had before anxiety started with heart problems was the tinnitus which may have been noise induced as I go to clubs with loud music, and I woke up in the middle of the night once with a excruciating headache (not had this since). I was also extremely stressed and have been for 12 months.

19-09-12, 11:45
All anxiety symptoms including the weird smells. The shooting pains in the head are tension. Is used to get that twice a day too and I had the same thoughts as you.

Brain tumour fears are very common in anxiety sufferers.

19-09-12, 11:52
Hi Worrier12 :)

I've been also suffering from all the symptoms you listed except one.. I haven't had any strange smells but a very weird taste in my mouth. The vision symptoms have been so scary that i've had major anxiety because of them. I get shooting pains in my head but really haven't been bothered by it because i've been stressing about my vision. I've seen two eye doctors, and two doctors and they tried to convince me that everything is alright. So now i just have to believe them and relax! Im on meds now and have been for the past 1,5 week. It seems as Im getting a bit better every day..!
Just wanted to share this with you because i have the exact same symptoms (except one). Never thought anxiety could cause something like that!!
Im sure everything is fine. Once you get the results i bet you'll feel relieved.

Stay strong xX

19-09-12, 12:19
Thanks so much for your responses guys, will really help me get through the next week whilst I wait for my results, and finally know what I've been scared about for months now!

It really does help that there is people like you willing to give up time to reassure others. Just can't wait to get my results back so I know for sure, and can get on with my life! (or start worrying about the next illness...)

19-09-12, 12:43
Hi, I've had those pains before and I also insisted I went for an MRI scan. I was completely convinced it was going to be bad news but surprisingly, my brain was 100% fine. I still get the occasional shooting pain on my head but I think to myself, as the brain scan was fine, surely nothing too drastic could have happened in the two years ago I had the scan!?

---------- Post added at 12:43 ---------- Previous post was at 12:41 ----------

Thanks so much for your responses guys, will really help me get through the next week whilst I wait for my results, and finally know what I've been scared about for months now!

It really does help that there is people like you willing to give up time to reassure others. Just can't wait to get my results back so I know for sure, and can get on with my life! (or start worrying about the next illness...)

I just re-read that last line, I'm exactly the same. Once one illness is ticked off my list, another one comes along! I think after I had my MRI scan, I started worrying about my heart! Ended up having an echocardiogram and a 24 hour tape. They were all normal but the feeling of relief soon wore off and now I'm back to worrying about both my brain and my heart! :wacko:

19-09-12, 12:47
I have also had these pains and most of the symptoms you describe. Good luck!

20-09-12, 00:37
Hi I get very sharp pains in my temples weirdly when I'm doing nothing and usually after a stressful day. They mainly happen when Im reading a bedtime story to my kids. I've read they are migraines without the headache.

Ive also had shooting pains at the top of my head on one side. I get periods of vertigo as well and floaters. I've had te taste of blood in my mouth / metallic taste and lots of other weird symptoms. It's hard to say for sure they are anxiety related and only you can do what you have to do to feel better (ie see your gp if you need to) but I think they may well be anxiety related.