View Full Version : Anxious taking pills - suggestions?

19-09-12, 13:03
Hello. I suffer from GAD, health anxiety and panic attacks. There are a few vitamins I would like to try taking but can't find the courage to get them in my mouth and swallow them. Obviously I have convinced myself that I will experience all of the side effects listed, plus some more that are not, get taken to a hospital where no-one will understand what I have taken and why, and eventually die lonely, misunderstood and miserable (of course). I have some 5htp which I got a few months ago sitting in my bathroom and every time I see it I think, I'll take it tonight/tomorrow/next week, etc., and continue to feel like crap in the meantime. Anyone else had these issues and found a magic way to get around it? Thanks, V :-)

19-09-12, 16:34
I'm not great with drugs as well. I've learnt to take just the ones given by my GP (although I do worry about interactions etc if anyone else gives me anything). He knows what I'm taking already and I trust him. Also, i suspect if I did take any over the counter stuff, this way it would be noted in my records.

In the past, I've gone to speak to my GP about taking stuff prescribed by others (eg. locums), before taking them. Thats how I've dealt with it.

I've not heard of 5htp so can't say anything about that.

19-09-12, 18:27
Thanks for your reply StressedAndDepressed. I'm seeing my doctor this weekend for other stuff so will ask him about taking 5htp. If he says he thinks it's OK then I will try and get them down me!