View Full Version : Running out of excuses not to go out!

19-09-12, 16:05
I was just wondering if anyone else is having the same problem as me. What with Christmas coming up in a few months (yikes!), there seem to be lots of nights out being planned at work already. I'm running out of excuses not to attend and I'm getting fed up of being asked if I'm going to all these dinners, drinks etc.

The thought of going out to dinner is scary enough as it is, let alone with a huge bunch of people and being so far away from home, it's not like I can just nip home afterwards, it's an hour's train journey.

I know people are just being polite and it's nice that they include me in everything, but surely if I say no once, they'd get the hint and not ask me again! It's embarrassing, they probably think I'm being rude, but I'm just scared! I'm not telling my work colleagues about my anxieties, I try and keep that separate from my work life, but I'm running out of ideas! Any ideas? :blush:

19-09-12, 16:11
I told my colleagues about my anxieties and they suggested just going out for coffee after work so that it would be easier for me to cope. They still invite me to other nights out but understand that I will say no, I expect they still keep asking me just in case one day I will say yes!

Mr Brownstone
19-09-12, 17:29
Youve probably still got a few options. You can tell them about your anxiety.....they may understand, but is it really that big a deal if they dont? Or you could not go quite as far and just say that you dont really enjoy socialising. Both of these are "final" excuses to me...by that I mean its the only excuse you need from now on. You dont have to keep thinking up a new one.

19-09-12, 18:26
You just need to say 'I won't be coming but thank you for asking me anyway.'
You are under no obligation to justify your decision but if you feel the need then you could say that money is really tight at the moment. The truth though is very often the best way but I understand if you are uncomfortable sharing this information.

20-09-12, 12:22
Thanks for the advice guys, I'm feeling a bit better about it today. Like you say, I don't have to justify myself all the time. I don't know why I feel so bad about it!