View Full Version : Job interview coming up, scared of everything.

19-09-12, 17:53
Hi all,

I've been unemployed since finishing uni in 2011, although I came close to getting 2 jobs (well, I got one of them, then quit after 1 day due to my anxiety/depression being too much) - however I have got another interview coming up on monday for IT Support.

I'm bricking it again. I'm just not ready for full-time work and becoming an independant adult. I've been crying, shaking and shivering all day for the last few days - and barely eating anything.

Now, I'm also scared to hell of medication, and even therapy. So I'm in a horrible situation on that front as well. My dad decided to get my 3-month-old perscription for Propranolol made up and I can't even bring myself to take half of one tablet.

So the only options I have are "give in and accept medical aid and let god knows what into my body" or "brave the job and see if I can make it my own within due time".

Neither one I feel like I'm likely to achieve.

I hate having this condition.

19-09-12, 19:08
Hi, i'm really sorry to hear what a horrid time you have been having.

Only you can decide what is the right thing to do for you and i had a similar predicament only last week. i had an interview for a role (school librarian) which i was interested in (i love books and reading) however i was terrified of the interview. I braved it and they even offered me the job which despite being so afraid of everything i have decided to take.

Now this course of action may not be right for you and that's ok too. Perhaps if you decide not to go forward with the interview it could be worth discussing how you feel with your GP? Perhaps some counselling could help? I know it can be a really scary thing but there are lots of different ways to help yourself out there - have you thought about just reading a book or even an online CBT course? It could be a way to help break the anxiety cycle you are in without putting yourself in any additional anxiety inducing situations?

Whatever you decide i wish you the very best of luck


19-09-12, 23:47
Hi, thanks for the reply. My initial post was actually going to be a reply to somebody else (hence the bluntness and lack of story/past) - until I realised how old the topic was.

Whilst I'm really afraid of medical help (or even sure if I truly need it, if I'm able to instead come up with a plan that I'm not scared to work towards) - I may end up going back to them. It's just horrible dealing with this, like I said earlier - both of the paths at the moment are pretty horrible to think about.

Also, congratulations on getting your job. If you truly did go through what I've been through (multiple times) - then you're real a trooper.

I wish you good luck in your new job.