View Full Version : Another night of Panic Atttacks.

02-08-06, 07:45
Just woke up scared to death and feeling so alone. Been fighting these anxiety attacks all week long,and just needed to talk to someone. Some times I fear going to sleep. Anyone else have to deal with their Panic Attacks by theirselves? Well just wanted to talk. Night time can be so lonely. Thanks for listening.

02-08-06, 08:47
have you tried going with the flow and letting all your body sink and relax
i find that sometimes works
or have a relaxing bath or shower
read books or anything
try not to pay to much attention to it the more you do you get more adrenalin and it makes it more worse

02-08-06, 08:59
Thanks for replying. When I am like this I get really super scared.!!! I am not myself at those times. And it is hard to control.

02-08-06, 09:07
Hi ya, twila
i know exactly how you feel. i fear of going to sleep every night. i have to wait until i just crash out before going to bed. i cant just go up to bed and think "right im gonna go to sleep now" it doesnt work. not for me anyways. its not easy dealing with it on your own. thats why i find this site so helpful. a couple of nights ago i had a really bad panic, so i went in to the chat room. and everyone in there was so helpful and supportive. it made me feel so much better. perhaps try that if you feel one coming on. hope i could be of a bit of help.
take care,

twiglet :)

02-08-06, 10:55
there no probs hun we are all here to help each other hun

02-08-06, 12:13
Hi Twila,

I also know how you feel. I haven't had a full panic attack in a while, but I used to get them alot and also at night. I was scared to go to sleep too incase I woke up to one.

Distraction and relaxation help. I know it's hard though to concentrate when you are feeling so scared. Do you know any breathing exercises, regulating your breathing will help. Also do you have any relaxation CDs? They help too, it's like having someone with you and although it's hard at first, if you try stick with what the person on the CD is saying, it does help make you feel better.

Take Care,

Heather x

02-08-06, 21:33
hey there,
i wish i was online when you posted, to try and make you feel better - i really really identify with how you are feeling. i had a terrible phase of waking up in the middle of the night - i wouldn't even just wake up in bed, i would wake up in a standing position and realise i had jumped out of bed in my sleep, in a panic. it was so scary!
when it happened to me, i would immediately log on here to see if anyone was around, and at that time, i would usually find sandy (eeyorelover) to talk to. but otherwise, what lilbell suggests sometimes worked for me, or listening to a relaxation cd, or having a cup of herbal tea, or switching on the tv to feel less alone.
i would also try and make my bedroom as cosy as possible before going to bed, and would go to bed with a hot drink, silly book or magazine, or people talking on the radio to lull me to sleep.
hope you have a better sleep tonight,
henri x

03-08-06, 08:00
I know how you feel. I have just had an attack and it is the loneliest time of all. I have family at home but don,t like to wake them in the middle of the night. I feel better when daylight breaks but I have not been to sleep yet. Doing the ironing helped this time.

03-08-06, 12:11
Oh hun,i know EXACTLYwhat you are talking about!I sit up till iam dry eyed and weary,Still sleep evades me as i keep jumping at the point of sleep,i wakeup yelling if i do go to sleep too!I did it last night !I heard my self saying i am sick of these panics!!I seem to have all but conqured them in other aspects of my life ,i find it hard to understand why i get them at night??I do have a fear of death/the dieing process[i can get in a right lather,crying...mumbling,feelings of terror.So i wonder if this is what is at the back of my mind?Will i die in my sleep ,so i am subconciosly waking myself up to ensure i am alive????How about you do you have issues with the dieing 'thing?I do hope not hun,but may explain it a wee bit.Oh who can explain anyof this panic disorder?We can be here for each other tho,hey?I think the cd's are wonderful,do try them ,paul mkcenna is very good and sends you into alovely reaxed mind set,mmmm i must put him on tonight !!Hope you get much better really soon.love mary rose.xxxx

we are all in the same boat and can guide each other ashore