View Full Version : I dont get it!! I have nothing to worry about, anxiety is destroying me

20-09-12, 10:59
I have nothing to worry about....literally nothing...there is nothing major in my life appening right now that gives my anxiety the right to be here.

It seems when i have nothing to worry about my aniety is at its worst...i am obsessing over unreasonable things, making myself anxious when i need to do something that i have already done before...WHY!?!?!

Does anyone else get this?

---------- Post added at 10:59 ---------- Previous post was at 10:30 ----------

I swear no one answers my questions on here anymore

20-09-12, 11:07
Sometimes I think anxiety hits us the worst when everything else in our lives seems good. I can usually cope with situations like when my husband had a heart attack and was in intensive care, I coped so well but when he was well again it suddenly hit me and I had a really bad episode again. Maybe when 'bad' things happen we have the normal adrenaline rush and recognise it as that but when everything is fine in our lives we associate any little adrenaline rush as anxiety and that makes us more anxious and it goes on! It does get better though, I know it is so hard to see a light at the end of the tunnel but we just have to try to focus on the positive...not easy I know. :hugs: :hugs:

20-09-12, 11:09
I had anxiety and DP at 22 for 9 months with no real reason but now (I'm 26) after a stressful year...It has came back. I know what has caused it this time...I went a day ago to my first CBT session and we talked alot about self esteem. Are you quite a negative person? I know I certainly am. You don't have to have anything of significance or a specific trauma to have anxiety. Your subconscious takes in allsorts and things that on the service that you dismissed and thought didn't bother you...deep down might. There are so many things that could trigger it. Are you a confident person? I am definitely opnionated and confident on the surface but deep down I definitely have issues with myself.

20-09-12, 11:12
Thanks guys. I am quite a negative person , i used to have panic attacks which havent happened for around 9/10 months now so i am now just left with anxiety. But i am seeing a counsellor and i feel so positive when i am with her and we talk bit when i get home i cant seem to do it! I dont have a lot of self confidence either :/ x

20-09-12, 11:15
You overcame the panic attacks so can overcome the anxiety too. It is good that your counsellor makes you feel positive when you are with her and as you go through those sessions you will be able to learn how to apply this positive behaviour at home and other places and your confidence will grow. :hugs:

20-09-12, 11:23
Thanks Annie :) really appreciate it xxx

20-09-12, 13:22
Hi I also suffer from anxiety. Ive just started a new job and im trying to keep positive, its really hard. I have just got something to help me sleep so hopefully feel better tomorrow. If i go off sick it will only make me worse.