View Full Version : Trying not to worry but finding it hard.

20-09-12, 14:05
For about four weeks I have had the lump in the throat feeling, it feels worse when I have eaten. I have not got much of an appetite but eating really bland things. Some days it feels as though the food is stuck at the back of my throat. I have a slight ache on the left side under the ribs. I have been to the Doctor who put me back on medication. She told me to go back and see her especially if the lump in my throat feeling is still there. My stomach also feels weird when I am eating. I know this is an age old question but what if its not anxiety ?? My thoughts are of trying to cope with illness while being a wife and mother. I am trying to ignore the symptoms, going swimming carry on with everyday activities but by the evening the only thing I can focuse on is the lump in my throat. I have had something similar before but it calmed down after a week. I have had this a long time I am trying to carry on but some days are hard.

20-09-12, 15:01
I have had this too, I think mine was just pure anxiety, I still get the lump in throat feeling and like I can't swallow food properly. You could also perhaps have developed an allergy to something, I think a visit back to the doctor if not any better soon. Anxiety does some really strange things to us, it's so hard to know if it's anxiety or something else. Xxx

20-09-12, 16:49
I've had this and its when my anxiety is high

20-09-12, 17:29
Thanks Laura and Sparkle x x I do this every time !I always think What if ? its just so worrying because its going on for so long. Hopefully it will settle down ! I am back at the Doctors a week on Monday so fingers crossed it will go before then.