View Full Version : I need some common sense...

20-09-12, 15:24
I apologize in advance if I ramble...

I have had an ache in my right breast for the last couple of months. It is not constant, and of course it increases when I concentrate on it, but it also appears when I'm not thinking about it. This ache has not gotten worse, nor is it always in the exact same spot, but it is always on the right side, behind the breast, feeling like it's in the breast. There's no tenderness when touching.

I have made an appointment with my doctor, but unfortunately it's not until early next week. I am trying very hard not to search online, because I know it will definitely come up as cancer. And that is something that, obviously, scared the bejeezus out of me.

Chances are it is a muscular thing, right? Or perhaps my wonky gallbladder is causing this discomfort? Or maybe hormonal, somehow? Seeing as how the pain hasn't gotten worse? I don't feel any lumps. No discharge. No discoloration. I had a pretty thorough blood workup last month, something probably would have shown up in the results, like for WBC or something? Once in a while the area around the nipple is swollen, but it goes away quickly, so I'm not sure if it's just the sleep bra I tend to wear. (sorry if too much information)

I guess I'm just looking for alternatives to freaking out - trying to be constructive with my energy instead of melting down. And I prefer to come here instead of Dr. Google. Getting my fears out sure does help. Any words of common sense or wisdom or "I've been there too" would be appreciated.

See, logically I know that because breast cancer is such a hot topic, deep down I'm jumping to that link automatically. The suggestion is there. My mind thinks the worst case scenario. I'm thinking: Oh no! THAT'S obviously what I have! Am I making my symptoms fit the diagnosis, or the diagnosis fit my symptoms?

thanks so much. And believe it or not, just writing this out made me feel better. :blush:

20-09-12, 15:45
Early next week is not that far away but I know it seems like a long time when you are worrying. I am sure it will be nothing to worry about if it is just an ache. I often get aches in mine and sometimes (like you suggested) it is just from the bra I am wearing. :hugs:

20-09-12, 18:15
thanks, Annie0904... especially for the hug. I really needed that.

And you're right, Tuesday is not far away. I'll just have to keep busy (and off Google!) until then.


20-09-12, 18:17
Yes google is the worst thing we can do :)

20-09-12, 18:25
Hi there i frequently get aching and it is muscular, but of course when you notice it you then subconsciously tense that area and get more aching. See if you can make it worse by tensing that area, then you may feel more like it is muscular ;)The aching is unlikely to go away if it was serious and other symptoms definitely wouldnt come and go. You dont appear to have any classic symptoms of what you are worrying about and remember even people who go to the doctors with a lump are told 9/10 lumps are harmless so try and relax xx

20-09-12, 20:50
It could be the smooth muscles of your lower intestine contracting (IBS). I occasionally get these twinges in the area you describe under my ribcage near my right nipple. As I don't have breasts (I am a man) I don't think of breast cancer.