View Full Version : night time problems

02-08-06, 11:13
Hi all again

ive been feeling good for weeks now but im having problems sleeping,

it can take me hours to get to sleep,i just lay there thinking about my chest tightness and then it starts.my doctor reckons i have acid reflux/asthma and i must admit the tablets have helped for that,but i have a constant dull ache in the middle of my chest and trembley arms.when im going to sleep i get easily startled by noise from rain to my kids waking up,my pulse is normal 68-80 but when im startled its well into the 100's which is scaring me.

ive got myself some herbal nytol and stressless tablets and my wife even convinced me to have a herbal tea before bed

i do feel a lot better during the day but i still have the ache,i worked up the courage to tell my boss and work mates how i feel and i could see the look of shock and disbelief on there faces as im verying out going and clown about a lot, i just think i just need some re assurance from you guys im not on my own.

p.s i also feel ok when ive had a drink or too but theres no way im going down that road and i have cut down drinking to one or two nights a week

cheers for listening


02-08-06, 11:29
Hi Andy,

Have you tried relaxation cd's before you go off to sleep? I found these really helped when I had trouble going off to sleep.

Take care

Trac xx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'