View Full Version : 3/4 years on .............life is a lot better

20-09-12, 20:41
Hi All,

Just thought I would come back on and share my story.

For at least 8 years I suffered from panic, anxiety and the worst part was health anxiety. I would convince myself weekly that I had some life threatening illness and felt rock bottom I thought I would not survive or spend the rest of my life worrying and panicking and having a miserable life.

I started on an anti depressant and after feeling slightly worse for a few weeks I started to feel better, that and along with CBT for my health anxiety my life has completely turned around.

I still get a little anxiety but for me its over more normal things. I looked tonight at my previous threads and I did not realise how long/depressed I actually was. So anyone feeling the same, there can be light at the end of the tunnel.

20-09-12, 20:48
Good for you Breeze25, its great to hear success stories like yours.

I am also suffering from anxiety, panic attacks but the main and worse thing is health anxiety.

I think i have something wrong with my brain as i constantly have a fuzzy head and other symptoms at the moment.

Which anti depressants did you take?

again, well done on your recovery :)

20-09-12, 21:23
HI gottogetthroughthis

Hi, I was put on citalopram

Yeah I have been where you are, I had a fuzzy head for so long, and also numbness in some of my joints, plus many other things, its crazy how much worrying/panic/stress can do to your body. I would have a pain, and constantly thinking about it would make the pain worse because you are aware of every single thing that happens in that area.

It was hard to believe that after many doctors appointments and specialists, there was nothing wrong with me other than panic and anxiety.

Hope you come through the other side quickly.

20-09-12, 21:41
Thank you for sharing your story, it gives hope to all of us. Perseverance and a positive attitude. :D