View Full Version : Therepist for first time tomorrow, quite scared!!

20-09-12, 21:01
Thought I would come on as have been working myself up into a right state all day, my logic is telling me nothing to worry about, just gonna have a chat, just tell them your symptoms and whats been happening, but of course anxiety is telling me argggg runnn!!! I have been doing my best to distract myself, but wasnt able to go to the bank as felt too shaky, so am now sitting here playing games on facebook trying to put it all to the back of my mind. At least the appointment is at 9.30am so can get it over and done with.

Does anyone have any advice, what should I bring, etc etc ? Oh I suffer from g.a.d, depression and possible ptsd and am on proponol and antidepressants.


Dawn x

20-09-12, 21:11
All I can say is try not to get so worried about it (which I no is not easy) The therapists are so used to dealing with people who have anxiety and will make you feel relaxed and comfortable. Is there anything in particular that you are worried about? :hugs:

20-09-12, 21:15
I find it quite difficult to talk about me and my feelings, Im thinking I will write all my symptoms etc down to start things off. I tend to bottle things up which is probably the reason Im having all my problems in the first place! I have been let down one too many times and find it very hard to trust people. :(

20-09-12, 21:20
I wrote things down the first time I went but she was so understanding and didn't put too much pressure on me to talk. On some visits I spent more time crying than talking! but it all helped me. Writing it down helped as I gave her the paper and she focused on it bit by bit. Try to think positive that it is going to help you to get well. :hugs:

20-09-12, 21:23
I will try am going to go soak in the bath with some smellies and see if that relaxs me a bit, thanks for your help :)

20-09-12, 21:24
I tend to bottle up my emotions as well. I think it's a really good idea to make a list of your main emotions and worries. I do that and I find it helpful when explaining things to others.