View Full Version : Does anyone else out there suffer from acne?

20-09-12, 22:12
I am currently 21 years old (female) and have had acne for probably at least 9-10 years. It started out not so bad and got progressively worse. I have seen dermatologists -- several -- in the past and honestly am not really sure what worked at what didn't because I feel like we tried just about every medication out there.

I really want to see a different one. I've found one somewhat nearby and I think I'd like to talk to them. The last time I saw a dermatologist was about two years ago and he simply gave me some oral medication and told me to "not touch my face" -- which, surprisingly, was awesome advice. He was a little strange and we didn't go for a follow up, so I've just been kind of on my own. I really don't think I break out an awful *lot*, but I almost always have at least one bump, as well as smaller bumps. I also have scarring and facial redness so it's kind of hard to tell where problem areas are and I would love feedback.

The issue is that I am so anxious about going (and here's where I would love help!) I am SOO self-conscious and want to feel better about myself, but I am afraid of failing so I am afraid to really try, or let my family know that I want to try again. I really do think they can help me somewhat, but am afraid that they can't, if that makes sense. And even though I am an adult, I am still (thankfully) on my parent's insurance so I would need to get their advice and their okay.

Any tips on how to start this conversation? I just don't know what to say without feeling stupid. I really do think I have improved a bit over the last year or so and think that with medical help, I can improve even more, but I don't want to be judged. I KNOW they'd be happy to help me out and I KNOW I NEED to do this, but I just don't want to be humiliated. I feel like I've been humiliated so much....


21-09-12, 02:11
Tetracycline really helped my acne . But take probiotics with it as it kills off the good bacteria in your gut.
It's an antibiotic I was on it a few months, I still get acne now but no where near as bad.

I went to my doctor n I didn't even have to ask for help! My acne was that bad lol.
Talk to your parents n see a doctor.
There's lots of things that help :)

Check out acne.org

21-09-12, 03:50
Hi, I've suffered acne on my face, chest, back etc since I was 10. It's so hard to struggle with. I would get cystic acne and it was so embarrassing for me. I went through the dermatologist stuff, it works for some people not for everybody. I was on two different antibiotics for two years and took acidophilus (no clue how to spell that) supplements throughout that. It helped minutely. Tried a bunch of prescription creams, over the counter washes/regimes, etc.

In all honesty the thing that helped me the most was a combination of sticking to an acne regime continously that contained salycilic acid face wash, benzoil peroxide cream, and moisturizer and going on the birth control pill. I say the pill because I did all that before going on the pill and really didn't make much improvement. But I've been on the pill now for almost 5 years - tried a few different ones, but seen same results - my acne is much better than it used to be off the pill. I think I needed it to keep my hormones regulated.