View Full Version : Ripping sensation in chest wall :-(

20-09-12, 22:23
Hello, ive had this sensation for a few days now, its like an ora of ache round my chest and every so often i will get a tearing ripping pain and a pain that will spread into my armpits :-(. I booked myself in a+e monday gone e.c.g fine and bloods fine. But im left with this worry of what it is :-(.Im suffering with health anxiety alot mainly caused from my ectopics/palps :-(. Just thinking about seeing g.p tomos but feel a fool for keep going with all these problems :-(.

Does any of you suffer or had suffeted with this :-(

20-09-12, 23:06
The tension is in the muscles on the outside of your chest not inside.

23-09-12, 18:23
I have sensations similar to this as well. My chest gets really tight during anxious episodes and sometimes my chest will pop literally like popping a bone. It is very unsettling just remember it is probably only the outer chest wall and nothing else. Hope that helps hon.