View Full Version : help!headache for weeks??

20-09-12, 22:37
hi folks
just after some advice/reasurrance
had anxiety for about 15 years and about every symptom that comes with it
for the last couple of weeks ive seem to have had a constant headache
i wake up with it and go to sleep with it(they seem better during the day when im out and about)
not bad headaches just there
seen the doctor about it,he tested my blood pressure and looked in my eyes(both fine)
i have no other symptoms so he told me not to worry as he didnt think it was anything serious most likely tension headaches
the pain is in the front of my head right inbetween my eyes almost
feel there is pressure there
im having alot of sinus bother at the moment so could this be the cause
ive had sinus issues for about a year,various treatments not much change but ive never really had headaches from it
just after some advice as im trying not to overreact like normal

20-09-12, 22:50
The sinus problems are also likely tension in your facial muscles. I bet your neck/shoulder muscles are really tense too. Practise deep, slow breathing and muscle relaxation exercises where you tense up each muscle group in turn before relaxing them.

Fight/flight syndrome causes muscles to tense up without you realising it and this causes your headaches. I had the same as you for nigh on a couple of months before I regained my sleep pattern and was reassured by a good doctor that these were classic tension symptoms.

Mr Brownstone
20-09-12, 22:54
If I get any health worries, which I do...I look for what the most sensible cause could be. Given the fact that doc says its most likely tension headaches, and you say you've got problems with your sinuses, its probably either of those. Or a combination of both.

20-09-12, 23:03
I had sinus pain caused by muscle tension in facial muscles for a while.

21-09-12, 10:14
in my mind i always jump to tumours
i woke up at 4am this morning with a headache
a cold compress really helped
one thing i will point out is for the last few weeks ive had a sore lower jaw(it really crunches and clicks)
i find myself clenching it and having to tell myself to stop
never thought that might cause headaches
there usually pretty mild,was just the waking up with them that threw me

21-09-12, 15:26
That really sounds like TMJ disorders, did your doc ever mention it ?
It can mimic sinus issues very well indeed, and it's very frequently associated with neck/shoulders pain and tension, constant headaches, weird sensations in the face (numbness, pressure), etc.